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Mann. NOVA Alternative High School @ Mann. Horace Mann School, Walla Walla School, Garfield Music Annex (085) (Building)


administrative history

Opened on November 2 or 3, 1902. Renamed Horace Mann School in 1921. Called Garfield Music Annex from 1969-1970. Alternative program site from 1970 to present. Closed for renovations in 2009 and re-opened in 2015. NOVA program was moved to Meany during that time.

Found in 3 Collections and/or Records:

Horace Mann [Nova Alternative @ Mann] School Photograph Collection

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: PH-085
Dates: 1921-2022

Horace Mann School Property Files

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: A002-PF-085

Nova High School Photograph Collection

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: PH-023
Dates: 1998-2001

Additional filters:

High school student activities. 2
High schools -- Washington (State) -- Puget Sound Region -- Directories. 2
Alternative Schools 1
Alternative education -- Washington (State) -- Seattle. 1