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Nathan Hale High School Photograph Collection

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: PH-022

Content Description

1 box of photographs, negatives various sizes

Restrictions Apply


Use Restrictions

Photographs contained in this database are public records and do not require permission for use. Please cite photographs Courtesy of the Seattle Public Schools Archives and include the image number. Links to download are the best available digital file. High resolution files can be provided or created for images on request. Please send inquiries to


  • Creation: 1964-2012
  • 022-1 Aerial view of school and neighborhood; 1965-07-16; B&W 8x10; Commercial [studio or photographer]
  • 022-2 Unidentified swim team member; 1972-1973; B&W 5x7
  • 022-3 Swim team [unidentified]; 1972-1973; B&W 8x10
  • 022-4 Baseball team [unidentified]; ca. 1990; Color 8x10
  • 022-5 Main entrance before landscaping; 1964-07-28; B&W 8x10; Royal C. Crooks #3 [studio or photographer]
  • 022-6 Main entrance; 2000; B&W 8x10; Mary Randlett [studio or photographer]
  • 022-7 Library Resource Center (exterior view); 1972; B&W 8x10; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 022-8 Patricia Cygan, 1996 WA State Teacher of the Year, in classroom; 1995; Color 3.5x5
  • 022-9 Students in classroom listening to recording of Shakespeare; 1973; B&W 8x10; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 022-10 Teacher, Larry Adams with Gov. Dixie Lee Ray in Governor’s Office; ca. 1977-1980; B&W 8x10
  • 022-11 Nathan Hale science teacher, Charles Tarbox, with students at Thornton Creek [Includes article]; 1971; B&W
  • 022-12 to 022-13 Entrance to Hale, with bicycles in rack; ca. 1973; B&W (2); Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 022-14 Students building greenhouse; 1972; B&W
  • 022-15 Swim team looks at pool plans; 1972; B&W; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 022-16 Lunchroom; 1972; B&W; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 022-17 Drawings of Learning Resource Center; B&W
  • 022-18 to 22-20 Learning Resource Center; 1973; B&W (3); Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 022-21 Television class; ca. 1970s; B&W
  • 022-22 Senior language arts seminar, listening to recording; 1973; B&W; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 022-23 to 022-24 Classrooms, teachers; 1973-06; B&W (2); Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 022-25 Women using a teletypewriter device; 1984-01; B&W
  • 022-26 Students and teacher in greenhouse; B&W
  • 022-27 Hale barbecue, outside school; 1977-10; B&W 5x7
  • 022-28 Students in hallway; 1972; B&W; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 022-29 Asian students visiting Hale; Undated; B&W
  • 022-30 to 022-32 Construction [see A2001-09]; 2005-01; Color (30 mounted, digital, Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 022-33 Auditorium construction [see A2001-09]; 2005-03; Color mounted, digital; Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 022-34 to 22-35 Auditorium [see A2001-09; 2006-06; Color (2) mounted, digital; Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 022-36 Ground Breaking for construction, some identified; 2008-11-18; digital; Beaux Arts Studio [studio or photographer]
  • 022-37 Construction [from CD no. 268]; 2009-07-14; digital; Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 022-38 Construction; 2008-10-14; digital
  • 022-39 Construction; 2009-08-14; digital
  • 022-40 Construction; 2010-02-11; digital
  • 022-41 Construction; 2010-03-09; digital
  • 022-42 Aerial view of Hale and Jane Addams; ca. 1960s; 4x5 negative
  • 022-43 to 022-48 Construction [See A2001-09]; 2010-2011; Color (6) mounted; Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 022-49 to 022-52 KNHC student broadcast, identified; 1986; B&W (4); Bokmon Dong [studio or photographer]
  • 022-53 KNHC broadcast booth [students identified]; 1988-1989; B&W
  • 022-54 Students in rubber raft on Skagit field trip; 1988; B&W
  • 022-55 Grand opening, Hale graphic arts department; ca. 1990; B&W (10), 35mm slides (12)
  • 022-56 Pat Cygan, teacher at Hale; ca. 1990; B&W (3)
  • 022-57 Walk for Peace at Raider field and teachers; 2001; Color (13), 35mm slides (27)
  • 022-58 Eric Benson, Principal, with Sharon Green, Joseph Olchefski and other; 2001-05; Color (14), 35mm slides (19)
  • 022-60 Hale Facilities Construction Slides [exterior, interior, library, classroom, students]; 1971-1973; 35mm slides (59)
  • 022-61 to 022-62 Dennis Dong, math teacher; 2000-03; B&W 8x10 (2); Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-63 Portrait of male student studying; 2000; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-64 Male student filling water pouch with watering can in greenhouse; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-65 Portrait of girl reading "A Brave New World"; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-66 Portrait of girl studying; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-68 Portrait of boy studying; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-69 Male student writing on worksheet; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-70 Students working in classroom; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-71 Two students examining litmus paper or pH test strips; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-72 Portrait of male student reading sheets of paper; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-73 Two students in greenhouse with teacher; 2000; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-74a to 022-74b Students at a creek [science class]; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-75 Science Class at Nathan Hale [group of students examining glass bottle]; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-76 Students with dropper and small class beaker; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-77 Students measuring water quality [same as 022-76]; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-78 Girl watering plants in greenhouse; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-79 Students outside with worksheets and notebooks [science class]; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-80 Portrait of male student with baseball hat in classroom; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-81 Teacher and student reading sheet of paper; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-82 Teacher smiling and holding drawing of grinning boy; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-83 Female student writing in notebook; 2000-03; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
  • 022-84 Hale Finishes; 2005; Digital (7)
  • 022-85 Hale Finishes; 2012; Digital (10)