Edward S. Ingraham High School Photograph Collection
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: PH-020
Content Description
4 boxes of photographs, negatives various sizes
Language of Description
Restrictions Apply
Use Restrictions
Photographs contained in this database are public records and do not require permission for use. Please cite photographs Courtesy of the Seattle Public Schools Archives and include the image number. Links to download are the best available digital file. High resolution files can be provided or created for images on request. Please send inquiries to archives@seattleschools.org
- Creation: 1959-2018
- 020-1 Aerial view of school; 1963-08-26; B&W 8x10; Commercial [studio or photographer]
- 020-2 Aerial view of school; 1963-08-26; B&W 8x10
- 020-3 School with playfield view; 1963-08-20; B&W 8x10
- 020-4 Ingraham school; 1963-08-20; B&W 8x10
- 020-5 Ingraham school; 1960-04-25; B&W 8x10
- 020-6 Ingraham school viewed from street; 1963-08-20; B&W 8x10
- 020-7 Auditorium, exterior view; 1960-04-25; B&W 8x10
- 020-8 School Courtyard; 1960-04-25; B&W 8x10
- 020-9 Aerial view of school; Undated; B&W 11x14 (1)
- 020-10 Exterior view of auditorium; ca. 1959; B&W 8x10; NBBJ Architects [studio or photographer]
- 020-11 Entrance lobby – gymnasium in background; ca. 1959; B&W 8x10; NBBJ Architects [studio or photographer]
- 020-12 Construction Photos; 2011; Color 8x10 (9); Nelson [studio or photographer]
- 020-13 Richard Hedman, music teacher; 1967-02-16; B&W; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
- 020-14 Raymond Horsey, rehearsing orchestra; 1970-1971; B&W; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
- 020-15 Ingraham Construction; 2011; Digital [ca. 100]; Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
- 020-17 Public hearing at Ingraham re construction and trees; 2008-04-24; Digital (35)
- 020-18 Auditorium; ca. 1960s; 35mm slide
- 020-19 Hallway with students; ca. 1960s; 35mm slide
- 020-20 Aerial view of Ingraham; 1963-08-16; B&W; Commercial Photography [studio or photographer]
- 020-21 Auditorium; ca. 1970s; B&W; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
- 020-22 Entrance to Ingraham; ca. 1970s; B&W; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
- 020-23 Police officer visits classroom; ca. 1972; B&W; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
- 020-24 Paul Angelos wearing Ingraham drum major uniform; ca. 1970s; B&W
- 020-25 Entrance to Ingraham with sign; ca. 1960s; B&W
- 020-26 Auditorium; 1979-03; 35mm slide
- 020-27 Corner of ball field, with house in background; ca. 1960s; 2x3 negative
- 020-28 Senior prom, Union Station [?]; 1991; Color (24)
- 020-29 to 020-33 Construction oversized (See A2001-09); 2011; Color (5), mounted; Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
- 020-34 Students, Billie Washington and Temple Hall in front of school; 1988; B&W
- 020-35 Choices: students in front of student store; 1988-1989; B&W
- 020-36 Student, Marilyn Beasley, working on automobile; ca. 1988-1989; B&W
- 020-37 Three students in metal technology class with new machine donated by Shoreline Community College; 1989; B&W
- 020-38 Three graduates in cap and gowns, with Ingraham High School sign; ca. 1989; B&W
- 020-39 Presentation of Challenge Grant for Technology in Education check to SPS. Persons include Supt. John Stanford, Congressman Jim McDermott and Ingraham cheerleaders; 1996-10-02; B&W (6), 35mm (6) negatives
- 020-40 Event at NW Athletic Complex. Persons include Supt. Joseph Olchefski, Michael Preston and Ingraham football team.; 2001-09; Color (12), 35mm (12)
- 020-41 Band, on stage; ca. 1970s; B&W
- 020-42 “School Days” [Cheri Wagner collection]: student portraits, autographed; ca. 1960-1964; B&W (Ca 75)
- 020-43 to 020-45 “School Days” [Cheri Wagner collection]: Cheri Wagner and friends (most identified), summer activities, graduation; ca. 1960-1965; B&W (29), Color (51)
- 020-46 Football game vs. Queen Anne, at Memorial Stadium, with marching band; ca. 1970s; B&W (10)
- 020-47 Football team pictures; B&W (21)
- 020-48 Football trophy presentation; ca. 1970s; B&W (5)
- 020-49 Football players; ca. 1970s; B&W (21)
- 020-50 Basketball team pictures; ca 1960s-1970s; B&W (8)
- 020-51 Basketball players; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (34)
- 020-52 Basketball games; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (9), Color (5)
- 020-53 Wrestling; B&W (8)
- 020-54 Girls swim meets; B&W (2), Color (4)
- 020-55 Girls volleyball match; ca. 1980s; B&W (5)
- 020-56 Girls sports; ca. 1980s; B&W (8)
- 020-57 Cheerleaders; ca. 1970s-1980s; B&W (14), Color (3)
- 020-58 Coaches [?]; B&W (11)
- 020-59 to 020-61 Seabeck groups and activities; ca. 1950s; B&W (55)
- 020-62 Ingraham building and grounds; 1970; B&W (11), Color (1)
- 020-63 Business education classes; ca. 1970s; B&W (25)
- 020-64 Donkey ball; ca. 1970s; B&W (5)
- 020-65 Sewing class; ca. 1970s; B&W (4)
- 020-66 UW cadets, Pat Armstrong, Linda Ejde; ca. 1960s; B&W (2)
- 020-67 Student group, “Ingraham Hustlers”; ca. 1970s; B&W (3)
- 020-68 Student group in library; ca. 1960s; B&W (3)
- 020-69 Student activities; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (19)
- 020-70 Staff [?]; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (9)
- 020-71 Basketball team picture – Metro champions; 1964; B&W
- 020-72 Portrait, unidentified man [cabinet card]; ca. 1870s; B&W
- 020-73 Staff in Halloween costumes; ca. 1990s; Color
- 020-74 Jim Sweeney, WSU football coach; ca. 1970s; B&W (2), Color (1)
- 020-75 Football teams, “Grinch” and “Blitz”; B&W (4)
- 020-76 Cross country runners; B&W (2)
- 020-77 Art classes; ca. 1970s; B&W (6)
- 020-78 Business education classes [?]; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (13)
- 020-79 Classroom scenes; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (4)
- 020-80 Outdoor scenes; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (11)
- 020-81 Students working on publication [?]; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (8)
- 020-82 Seniors being measured for caps and gowns; ca. 1960s; B&W (4)
- 020-83 Student groups; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (7)
- 020-84 Snapshots (prom, classroom, students under blossoms); 1970; Color (4)
- 020-85 Pep squad, student activities; 1970-1977; Color (7)
- 020-86 Contact sheets, mainly shop classes; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (8)
- 020-87 Contact sheets, art class, weight room, basketball team pictures; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (5)
- 020-88 to 020-89 Students; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (21)
- 020-90 Teacher, with two students, signed on back “To Ms. Huffer Thank You For Everything! The Aquino’s Ram Pride” in frame; ca. 1990s; Color
- 020-91 Ice Cream Feed (some duplicates); 1969-1970; B&W (5)
- 020-92 Album: Ice Cream Feed, Powder Puff Football; 1969-1970; B&W (ca. 78)
- 020-93 Album: student activities, sports (some duplicates); 1969-1970; B&W (ca. 76), Color (21)
- 020-94 “Senior Thing” (some duplicates); 1970-05-09; B&W (22), Color (2)
- 020-95 Album: “Senior Thing”; 1970-05-08; B&W (34), Color (3)
- 020-96 Album: wrestling; 1969-1970; B&W (ca. 50)
- 020-97 Album: Powder Puff Football, Class of ‘71; 1970; B&W (ca. 17), Color (9)
- 020-98 Album: 1950s day, breakfast, basketball awards banquet, cheer squad, fire, band director, majorettes, football team at Memorial Stadium; ca. 1970s; B&W (ca. 45), Color (ca. 60)
- 020-99 Album: students at Prom; ca. 1970s; Color (ca. 68)
- 020-100 Album: football players, cheer squad; ca. 1960s-1970s; B&W (11)
- 020-101 Seabeck album; ca. 1950s; B&W (ca. 135)
- 020-102 to 020-103 scrapbook pages, Cross Country coaches; 1962; B&W (2)
- 020-104 to 020-112 scrapbook, girls’ activities (portraits of officers); 1961-1962; B&W (9)
- 020-113 to 020-234 scrapbook, “The Class of ’63 Presents” – officers, student activities; 1962-1973; B&W (122)
- 020-235 to 020-251 scrapbook, Girls Activities; 1963-1964; B&W (17)
- 020-252 scrapbook, sports (basketball); 1963-1964; B&W
- 020-253 basketball scrapbook – team photo; 1964; B&W
- 020-254 cross country scrapbook; 1962; B&W (14)
- 020-255 basketball scrapbook; 1969; B&W (19)
- 020-256 to 020-257 basketball scrapbook: basketball and legislators in Lt. Governor John Cherberg’s office; 1969; B&W (2)
- 020-258 basketball scrapbook; 1971; B&W (ca. 17), Color (8)
- 020-259 Football game vs. Chief Sealth; ca. 1970s; B&W
- 020-260 Marching band on football field; ca. 1970s; B&W
- 020-261 Powder Puff football players; ca. 1960s; B&W (19)
- 020-262 Ingraham Facilities Construction Slides [metal building exterior, interior, classroom, students]; 1971-10; 35mm slides (3)
- 020-263 Greenhouse, 2006; Digital (13)
- 020-264 Learning Resource Center (LRC), library, students on computers; 2007; Digital (8)
- 020-265 Finishes, exterior, interior; 2005; Digital (10)
- 020-266 Ingraham High Relocatable Building; 1967; B&W 3x4 (3) mounted
- 020-267 Naramore, Bain, Brady & Johnson, Architects, letter and copy of May 1961 issue of Constructor magazine with cover and feature article on Ingraham High School; 1961-05
- 020-268 Team Charlie, 7th in the Nation, Ingraham Aerospace Sciences Academy 2009 TARC National Finalists; 2009; Color 5x7
- 020-269 Team Bravo, 24th Place, Ingraham Aerospace Sciences Academy 2009 TARC National Finalists; 2009; Color 5x7
- 020-270 Team Alpha, 66th Place, Ingraham Aerospace Sciences Academy 2009 TARC National Finalists; 2009; Color 5x7
- 020-271 Basketball player in gym; ca. 1970s; B&W 5.5x5.5
- 020-272 Gym or dance class stretching in gym; ca. 1970s; B&W 5x7
- 020-273 Volleyball players in gym; ca. 1970s; B&W 4x5
- 020-274 Baseball player, Rams 15; ca. 1970s; B&W 5x4
- 020-275 Student and Staff Directory [identified]; 2017-2018; Color (22 pages); Yuen Lui [studio or photographer]
- 020-276 Ingraham Construction Project Community Meeting; 2008-03-18; Digital (20)