Martin Luther King Jr Elementary School [formerly Harrison Elementary School] Photograph Collection
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: PH-232
Content Description
4 boxes of photographs various sizes; negatives various formats.
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Photographs contained in this database are public records and do not require permission for use. Please cite photographs Courtesy of the Seattle Public Schools Archives and include the image number. Links to download are the best available digital file. High resolution files can be provided or created for images on request. Please send inquiries to
- Creation: 1910-2004
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- Harrison Early Childhood Education Center (Seattle). (Organization)
- 232-1 Harrison School (Taken at the request of Mr. Gates, Legal Dept.); 1928-04-16; B&W 8x10, 4x5 negative, 8x10 negative; Rowland [studio or photographer] reprint
- 232-2 Harrison School (Taken at the request of Mr. Gates, Legal Dept.); 1928-04-16; B&W 8x10, 4x5 negative, 8x10 negative; Rowland [studio or photographer] reprint
- 232-3 Harrison School (Taken at the request of Mr. Gates, Legal Dept.); 1928-04-16; B&W 8x10, 4x5 negative, 8x10 negative; Rowland [studio or photographer] reprint
- 232-4 Harrison School (Taken at the request of Mr. Gates, Legal Dept.); 1928-04-16; B&W 8x10, 4x5 negative, 8x10 negative; Rowland [studio or photographer] reprint
- 232-5 Aerial view of school from north; 1960-07; B&W 8x10, 4x5 copy negative; Commercial #23 [studio or photographer]
- 232-6 Republican Street entrance of 1958 brick addition; 1960-09; B&W 5x9; Commercial #11 [studio or photographer]
- 232-7 View of brick 1958 addition from corner 32nd and Harrison; 1960-09; B&W 5x9; Commercial #12 [studio or photographer]
- 232-8 School viewed from Harrison and 32nd (1913 brick building); 1957-10; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-9 1913 brick building – South side of playground looking west; 1957-10; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-10 The “old front” of 1913 brick building which faced 32nd Ave N; 1957-10; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-11 Portable – looking south from Republican; 1957-10; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-12 Site where construction on the new wing (1958) began – tunnel into the boiler room; 1957-10; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-13 Portable being moved from north side of school; 1957-10; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-14 Double portable being moved from north side of school; 1957-10; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-15 Students watching portable move. (Donald Ward facing camera.); 1957-10; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-16 Moving portables – Teacher: Carol Friend Harper; 1957-10; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-17 Students with portable in background; 1957-10; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-18 Construction: looking east through auditorium; 1957-10; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-19 Construction: looking west to south wing; 1958-02; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-20 Construction: Looking west through play court, gym and auditorium; 1958-02; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-21 Construction: looking south on 32nd Ave. Beams for lunchroom-auditorium placed in position; 1958-02; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-22 Construction: looking east from 32nd Ave. Pouring floor slabs; 1958-02; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-23 Construction: looking north on 32nd Ave. Beams for roof on 32nd Ave side; 1958-02; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-24 Construction: looking south on 32nd Ave. Partially completed auditorium; 1958-02; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-25 to 232-26 Construction; 1958-02; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-27 Construction: north side of building. Load of laminated beams for auditorium and gym; 1958-02; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-28 Construction: looking north from Republican Street.Heat, electrical, plumbing service tunnels already poured, etc.; 1958-02; B&W 3.5x3.5
- 232-29 Martin Luther King Elementary – Early Childhood Education Center - Main entrance; ca. 1970; B&W 3x5
- 232-30 Aerial view of school and surroundings (oversize); 1968-09-29; B&W 20x22, S-68-14-12 negative; Walker and Assoc., Inc. [studio or photographer]
- 232-31 School Boy Patrol at main entrance; 1949-1950; B&W 3x4.5
- 232-32 Aerial view of school and surroundings; Undated Post-1958; Color 8x10
- 232-33 Staff group picture; Undated ca. 2000; Color 5x7
- 232-34 Staff group picture [all identified]; 2002-2003; Color 5x7
- 232-35 Staff group picture [all identified]; 2003-2004; Color 5x7 (2)
- 232-36 to 232-43 Classroom pictures with teachers; 1988-1989; Color 5x7
- 232-44 Staff picture; 1988-1989; Color 5x7
- 232-45 to 232-54 Classroom pictures with teachers; 1989-1990; Color 5x7
- 232-55 Staff picture; 1989-1990; Color 5x7
- 232-56 to 232-64 Classroom pictures with teachers; 1990-1991; Color 5x7
- 232-65 to 232-75 Classroom pictures with teachers; 1991-1992; Color (11)
- 232-76 Composite of individual portraits: 6th grade; 1965-1966; B&W 8x10
- 232-77 Staff; ca. 1995-1996; Color 5x7 (2)
- 232-78 Class pictures; ca. 1995-1996; Color 5x7 (8)
- 232-79 Staff; 1992-1993; Color 5x7
- 232-80 Staff; ca. 1990s; Color 5x7
- 232-81 Staff; 2000; Color 5x7
- 232-82 Class pictures, some identified; 1984-1985; Color 5x7 (10)
- 232-83 Class pictures; 1991-1992; Color 5x7 (4)
- 232-84 Staff; 2003-2004; Color 5x7
- 232-85 Class pictures and student groups; ca. 2000; Color 5x7 (11)
- 232-86 Students receiving awards, trophies, auditorium program; Color 4x6 (15) 5x7 (4)
- 232-87 Hallway; B&W 3.5x5
- 232-88 Miscellaneous, including clown, staff; ca. 1980s; Color Various (6)
- 232-89 Class pictures; 2001-2002; Color 5x7 (11)
- 232-90 Miscellaneous, including classroom, playground, field trip, staff; 1996; Color 4x6 (31)
- 232-91 View of playground and new playground installation, A1999-64; Ca 1977-1980; B&W
- 232-92 Student activities: drumming, hockey, Frisbee, annual Olympics, jump rope, gym; Color (30)
- 232-93 King early childhood education center; 1970s; 35mm slides
- 232-94 Harrison Halloween parade leaving school entrance; 1955; 35mm slide
- 232-96 Class pictures (Harrison); 1971-1972; Color (17)
- 232-97 Class pictures (Harrison); 1972-1973; Color (11)
- 232-98 Class pictures; 1976-1977, Color (13)
- 232-99 Class pictures; 1983-1984; Color (12); Professional School Pictures [studio or photographer]
- 232-100 Class pictures; 1985-1986; Color (9); Professional School Pictures [studio or photographer]
- 232-101 Class pictures; 1987-1988; Color (11); Professional School Pictures [studio or photographer]
- 232-102 Class pictures; 1990-1991; Color (3)
- 232-103 Class pictures; ca. 1995-1996; Color (3)
- 232-104 From Harrison scrapbook: Patrol [identified]; 1956-06; B&W; Rowland Studio
- 232-105 From Harrison scrapbook: 6th grade class picture [identified]; 1956-1957; B&W; Rowland Studio
- 232-106 From Harrison scrapbook: Service club [identified]; 1956-1957; B&W; Rowland Studio
- 232-107 From Harrison scrapbook: Junior Safety Patrol [identified]; 1956-1957; B&W; Rowland Studio
- 232-108 From Harrison scrapbook: 6th grade class picture [identified]; 1957-1958; B&W; Airways Photo Service [studio or photographer]
- 232-109 From Harrison scrapbook: Junior Safety Patrol [identified]; 1957-1958; B&W
- 232-110 From Harrison scrapbook: 6th grade class picture [identified]; 1958-1959; B&W
- 232-111 to 232-112 From Harrison scrapbook: Junior Safety Patrol [identified]; 1958-1959; B&W (2)
- 232-113 to 232-116 From Harrison scrapbook: Class pictures; ca. 1950s; B&W (4)
- 232-117 From Harrison scrapbook: Campfire girls and students planting tree next to school; 1959-05-01; B&W; Jack H. Johnson [studio or photographer]
- 232-118 From Harrison scrapbook: View of new addition to Harrison; 1958; B&W
- 232-119 From Harrison scrapbook: View of new addition to Harrison; 1958-03; B&W; Airways Photo Service [studio or photographer]
- 232-120 From Harrison scrapbook: Exterior view of Harrison; 1947-1958; B&W
- 232-121 From Harrison scrapbook: girl and boy [Chipper Brooks?]; ca. 1956-1957; B&W
- 232-122 Girls on playground; ca. 1950s; B&W
- 232-123 School scenes, teachers playing recorders; 1976-1977; Color (8)
- 232-124 School scenes, teachers playing guitars, two girls working on electronic device; 1970s; B&W (1), Color (9)
- 232-125 Album: Martin Luther King dedication; 1974; Color (17)
- 232-126 School scenes; ca. 1970s; Color (12 Polaroids)
- 232-127 Classroom and school scenes, Halloween; ca. 1971; Color (23)
- 232-128 Album: classroom scenes – Project Sun Distar I and II; 1970s; B&W (33)
- 232-129 Album: classroom and playground scenes, Olympics; 1970s; B&W (34)
- 232-130 Album: classroom and playground scenes, Halloween, assemblies; 1970-1973; B&W (12), Color (30)
- 232-131 Album: traffic safety training, students wearing pioneer costumes and using pioneer artifacts; ca. 1971-1973; B&W (9), Color (27)
- 232-132 Students, assemblies; ca. 1980s; Color (15)
- 232-133 Album: assemblies; 1980s; Color (5)
- 232-134 Album: classroom scenes, reading program; ca. 1980s; Color (21)
- 232-135 Bus shelter with student art, E. Madison Street; ca. 1984; Color mounted
- 232-136 Students reading; ca. 1984; Color (14)
- 232-137 Display pictures: classroom scenes; Color (16)
- 232-138 Students (some identified) and classroom scenes; ca. 1980s; B&W (20)
- 232-139 Student display portraits (identified) – 1st grade; ca. 1987; Color (32)
- 232-140 Student display portraits (identified) – 3rd grade; ca. 1987; Color (18)
- 232-141 Student display portraits (identified) – 4th grade; ca. 1987; Color (20)
- 232-142 Teacher display portraits; ca. 1987; Color (8)
- 232-143 Olympics; 1988; Color (12)
- 232-144 Album: Big Toy installation, Olympics, miscellaneous; 1988-1989; Color (65), 35mm (29) negatives
- 232-145 Holiday parade; 1989, 1991; Color (9)
- 232-146 Album: Olympics, Bochinchi assembly, Thanksgiving parade, playground project, chess matches, Partners on parade; ca. 1990s; B&W (1), Color (31)
- 232-147 Album: carnival [?]; ca. 1990s; Color (12)
- 232-148 Programs and classroom scenes; 1993-1994; B&W (7)
- 232-149 Spaghetti dinner, “Nutcracker” performance; 1994; B&W (12)
- 232-150 “Wizard Meets the Wiz” performance, miscellaneous; 1995; B&W (32)
- 232-151 Assembly with African dance performance, John Stanford and playground scenes; 1996, undated; B&W (8)
- 232-152 Program Pacific Northwest Ballet “Nutcracker” rehearsals; 1999; Color (10)
- 232-153 Bon Marche Partnership celebration; ca. 1990s; Color (19)
- 232-154 Miscellaneous school scenes; 1990s; Color (8)
- 232-155 Planting trees on the bank above the playground; 1990-1991; Color (20)
- 232-156 Finishing the “Big Toy”; 1992-1993; Color (20)
- 232-157 Miscellaneous scenes: playground, lunchroom, music instruction, computer lab, classrooms; 1996-1997; Color (35)
- 232-158 Students doing art/craft projects; 1999-2000: Color (9)
- 232-159 Tile project, classroom, field trips, physical education and misc activities; 1999-2000; Color (29)
- 232-160 Remlinger Farms pumpkin patch visit; 2000; Color (12)
- 232-161 Students; B&W (12)
- 232-162 Students at park/beach; B&W (4)
- 232-163 Awards event, downtown; B&W (5)
- 232-164 Musical program; 35mm slides (4)
- 232-165 Students learning first aid, assembly; 1975; 35mm slides (6)
- 232-166 Students with pioneer artifacts; 1978-03; 35mm slides (10)
- 232-167 to 232-168 Photo collage – “Our Haunted House, Rm.3”; 1991; (2) posters
- 232-169 Photo collage – “Future ROTC leaders”; (1) poster
- 232-170 to 232-172 Photo collages –1980s-1990s; (3) posters
- 232-173 Exterior view of King; ca. 1974-1988; 35mm slide
- 232-174 Two students in classroom; 1986-1987; B&W; Bokmon Dong [studio or photographer]
- 232-175 Science classroom, students looking through microscope; B&W (16)
- 232-176 to 232-177 Exterior views of King; B&W (2) [Misidentified, moved to High Point [West Seattle] Elementary School Photograph Collection PH-236]
- 232-178 Student using computer; ca. 1994; Color
- 232-179 Students and staff in front of school; ca. 1910; B&W; M. Elkins [studio or photographer]
- 232-180 Republican Street entrance of 1958 brick addition; ca. 1958; B&W 5x7 mounted
- 232-181 Exterior; ca. 1958; B&W 4.5x9
- 232-182 Class picture, Kindergarten, Mrs. Julian (Harrison); 1972-1973; Digital
- 232-183 Class picture, Grade 5, Ms. Blackmon (Harrison); 1966-1967; Digital
- 232-184 Class picture, Grade 5, Mr. Moffitt (Harrison); 1966-1967; Digital
- 232-185 Class picture, Grade 6, Mr. Williams (Harrison); 1967-1968; Digital