Leschi Elementary School Photograph Collection
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: PH-244
Content Description
1 box of photographs various sizes; negatives various formats.
Language of Description
Restrictions Apply
Use Restrictions
Photographs contained in this database are public records and do not require permission for use. Please cite photographs Courtesy of the Seattle Public Schools Archives and include the image number. Links to download are the best available digital file. High resolution files can be provided or created for images on request. Please send inquiries to archives@seattleschools.org
- Creation: 1910-2012
- 244-2 Leschi school portables; ca. 1939; B&W 5x9
- 244-3 Graduating class [identified]; 1925-01; B&W 7x11 (2); Perkins Studio
- 244-4 to 244-5 Graduating class [identified]; 1925-06; B&W 7x11 (2); Perkins Studio
- 244-6 to 244-7 Graduating class [identified]; 1926-06; B&W 7x11 (2); Perkins Studio
- 244-8 Graduating class [identified]; 1927-06; B&W 7x11; Perkins Studio
- 244-9 to 244-10 Graduating class [identified]; 1928-01; B&W 7x11, 7x9; Perkins Studio
- 244-11 to 244-13 Graduating class [identified]; 1928-06; B&W 7x11 (4); Perkins Studio
- 244-14 Boys baseball team [identified]; 1928-06; B&W 7x11; Perkins Studio
- 244-15 Girls baseball team; 1928-06; 7x11 B&W; Perkins Studio
- 244-16 Graduating class [identified]; 1929-01; B&W 7x11; Perkins Studio
- 244-17 Graduating class [identified]; 1930-01; B&W 7x11 (2); Perkins Studio
- 244-18 Graduating class [identified]; 1930-01; B&W 7x11 (2); Perkins Studio
- 244-19 Graduating class [identified]; 1930-06; B&W 7x11 (2); Perkins Studio
- 244-20 to 244-21 Group portrait of male students; 1930-06; B&W 7x11 (2); Perkins Studio
- 244-22 Graduating class [identified]; 1931-01; B&W 7x11; Perkins Studio
- 244-23 Graduating class [identified]; 1931-06; B&W 7x11 (2); Perkins Studio
- 244-24 Graduating class [identified]; 1932-01; B&W 7x11 (2); Perkins Studio
- 244-25 Graduating class [identified]; 1932-06; B&W 7x11 (2); Perkins Studio
- 244-26 Baseball team [identified];1932-06; B&W 7x11; Perkins Studio
- 244-27 Graduating class [identified]; 1933-06; B&W 7x11; Perkins Studio
- 244-28 Group portrait, male students; 1933-01; B&W 5x7; Perkins Studio
- 244-29 Graduating class [identified]; 1933; B&W 8x10; D.K. Randal [studio or photographer]
- 244-30 Baseball team [identified]; 1933-06; B&W 7x11; Perkins Studio
- 244-31 School patrol [identified]; 1933-06; B&W 5x7; Perkins Studio
- 244-32 Graduating class [identified]; 1934-01; B&W 7x11; Perkins Studio
- 244-33 Graduating class [identified]; 1934-06; B&W 7x11; Perkins Studio
- 244-34 School patrol; 1943; B&W 8x10
- 244-35 to 244-52 Class pictures; 1973-1974; Color 5x7 (18)
- 244-53 Group portrait, students in costumes posed in front of school; ca. 1930s; B&W 7x11; Perkins Studio
- 244-54 Student and two adults looking at magazine; B&W 8x10
- 244-55 to 244-56 Ground-breaking for addition; ca. 1960; B&W 8x10 (2)
- 244-57 Unidentified individuals; ca. 1960; B&W 8x10
- 244-58 Leschi school; B&W 2.5x3
- 244-59 Group portrait: female students [baseball team?]; ca. 1930s; B&W 2.5x4.5
- 244-60 Class picture; ca. 1930s; B&W 3.5x5
- 244-61 to 244-65 Class picture, a few identified; ca. 1930s; B&W 2.5x4.5 (5)
- 244-66 to 244-69 Candid group scenes; ca. 1970s; B&W 3.5x5 (4)
- 244-71 Four male students on steps of school; ca. 1930s; B&W 2.5x3.5
- 244-72 Baseball team; ca. 1930s; B&W 2x3
- 244-73 Group portrait, students; ca. 1930s; B&W 2.5x3.5
- 244-75 to 244-76 Groups of female students; ca. 1930s; B&W 2.5x3.5, 3x4
- 244-78 to 244-81 Group of teachers; ca. Late 1920s; B&W 3x4.5 (2), 3.5x5 (2)
- 244-82 Woman holding teacup; B&W 2.5x4.5
- 244-83 M.E. Durham, Principal; ca. Late 1920s; B&W 1.5x2.5
- 244-84 African-American student and teacher in reading lab; 1971-03-12; B&W; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
- 244-85 Front view of Leschi school; 1972-02; B&W 7x10, 8x10 (2), 4x5 copy negative; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
- 244-86 Front view of Leschi school; 1972-02; B&W 7x10, 8x10, 4x5 copy negative; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
- 244-87 Front view of Leschi school; ca. 1970s; B&W 5x7
- 244-88 Lunchroom / auditorium; 1971-10-17; B&W 8x10; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
- 244-89 6th grade class, with Jimi Hendrix; 1955-06; B&W 3.5x5
- 244-90 Rear view of Leschi school [Missing?]; ca. 1930; B&W 5x7
- 244-91 Aerial view of Leschi school, front; 1963-08-16; B&W 8x10 (2); Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
- 244-92 Aerial view of Leschi school, rear; 1966-03-10; B&W 8x10, 4x5 copy negative
- 244-93 Student, Lillian McIsaac, with Seymour Kaplan award; 1979; Color 3.5x3.5
- 244-94 to 244-98 Exterior views of Leschi school; ca. 1970s; Color 3.5x5 (5)
- 244-99 to 244-103 Exterior views of Leschi school; 1988; B&W 3.5x5 (5), 35mm negative
- 244-104 Rear and side view of Leschi school, A1982-2; ca. 1939; B&W 5x9
- 244-105 Class picture, grades 4&5, Mr. Cheha; 1980-1981; Color 5x7
- 244-106 Baseball team (photo album); 1919; B&W 3x5, mounted
- 244-107 “Alice, Gene & me” three tallest kids (photo album); 1918; B&W 1.5x2.5
- 244-108 “Miss Proper”; ca. 1910s; B&W 2x3
- 244-109 Street view of Leschi school; ca. 1920; B&W 2.5x4.5
- 244-110 Architect’s rendition of 1988 building; ca. 1987; 4x5 copy negative
- 244-111 Exterior view of Leschi; ca. 1970s; 35mm slide, Digital
- 244-112 Class picture, grade 1, Pamela Boroughs [damaged]; 1976-1977; Color 5x7
- 244-113 to 244-126 Class and staff pictures; 1978-1979; Color 5x7 (14)
- 244-127 to 244-140 Class pictures; 1979-1980; Color 5x7 (14)
- 244-141 to 244-154 Class and staff pictures; 1980-1981; Color 5x7 (14)
- 244-155 to 244-169 Class and staff pictures; 1981-1982; Color 5x7 (15)
- 244-170 to 244-181 Class and staff pictures; 1982-1983; Color 5x7 (12)
- 244-182 to 244-192 Class pictures; 1983-1984; Color 5x7 (11)
- 244-193 to 244-205 Class and staff pictures; 1984-1985; Color 5x7 (13)
- 244-206 to 244-216 Class pictures; 1985-1986; Color 5x7 (11)
- 244-217 Front view of Leschi school; 2000; B&W 8x10; Mary Randlett [photographer]
- 244-218 to 244-237 Class pictures; 1970-1971; Color 5x7 (19)
- 244-238 View of Leschi School and vicinity [A.L5.18? Missing?]; 1968-02-29; Color 20x22; Walker & Associates [studio or photographer]
- 244-239 Class picture, grade 4, Mrs. Boroughs; 1978-1979; Color 5x7
- 244-240 Class pictures, grade 5, Mr. Daniels; 1981-1982; Color 5x7
- 244-241 to 244-242 Class pictures, grades 4 and 5; 1979-1980; Color 5x7 (2)
- 244-243 to 244-244 Class pictures; 1982-1983; Color 5x7 (2)
- 244-245 to 244-246 Cora Skocilic and her kindergarten class at Lake Washington and marina; ca. 1956; B&W 8x10 (2); Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
- 244-247 to 244-248 Front view of old Leschi school; ca. 1980s; B&W 8x10 (2), 4x5 negative (2)
- 244-249 to 244-250 Class pictures; 1981-1981; Color 5x7 (2)
- 244-251 to 244-252 Class (5th grade) and staff pictures; 1984; Color 5x7 (2)
- 244-253 to 244-254 Class pictures, CAMPI; 1984-1985; Color 5x7 (2)
- 244-255 East side of Leschi school, 1961 addition; 1985; Color 8x10
- 244-256 South view of Leschi school; 1985; Color 8x10
- 244-257 Northwest view of old Leschi school; 1985; Color 8x10
- 244-258 East side of old Leschi school; 1985; Color 8x10
- 244-259 West side of old Leschi school; 1985; Color 8x10
- 244-260 to 244-262 American Red Cross volunteer, Nancy Nishikawa with student, Michell McNeair; 1970-10; B&W 8x10 (3); Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
- 244-263 to 244-264 Female volunteer with female student; 1973; B&W 8x10 (2); Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
- 244-265 Field trips: students riding horses, playing in snow; ca. 1972; Color 3.5x3.5 (5), 3.5x5
- 244-266 Students, identified, in costumes for Mother Goose’s Magic Cookie; ca. 1970; Color 3.5x4
- 244-267 to 244-268 Students in Winnie the Pooh costumes, some identified; ca. 1970; Color 3.5x4 (2)
- 244-269 Ground-breaking for new Leschi school; ca. 1988; 35mm negatives (25)
- 244-270 Choir; 2011-2012; Color; Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 244-271 Opening day, students with Mayor Charles Royer; 1988-09; B&W; Bokmon Dong [studio or photographer]
- 244-272 Opening day, students entering school; 1988-09; B&W; Bokmon Dong [studio or photographer]
- 244-273 Leschi finishes; 2005; Digital (5)
- 244-274 Leschi Learning Resource Center (LRC) inspection photos; 2005; Digital (33)
- 244-275 Leschi Learning Resource Center (LRC) inspection photos; 2006; Digital (17)
- 244-276 Leschi inspection photos; 2008-2011; Digital (125)