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Outstanding Graduates Correspondence and Research for Seattle Schools - The First 100 Years Publication [June 1969]

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Identifier: A2019-25

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Correspondence with Vivian Hedrich, Publications and Information Department, principals and twelve notable graduates in order to compile memories and statements for the Seattle Schools - The First 100 Years Publication [June 1969].

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  • Creation: 1969



1) Seattle Schools - The First 100 Years Publication [June 1969] 2) Vivian Hedrich planning notes and lists 3) March 1969 letters to high school principals [Frank Fidler, Garfield; Homer Davis, Lincoln; William Hall, Queen Anne; Mr. G. Hannaford, West Seattle; Richard West, Roosevelt; Peter Schneller, Ballard] 4) Esther Mohr Raushenbush [Franklin 1915; Sarah Lawrence College President] 5) George Tsutakawa [Broadway 1932; Sculptor, Painter] 6) Maynard Pennell [Roosevelt 1927; Vice-President for Technology, Boeing Company] 7) James Whittaker [West Seattle 1947; Mountaineer, First American to summit Mt. Everest] 8) Minoru Yamasaki [Garfield, 1929; Architect, World Trade Center, New York, New York] 9) Norma Zimmer [Lincoln 1941, Singer] 10) Dr. Homer Harris [Garfield 1934; Athlete, Dermatology] 11) Kenneth Cox [Lincoln 1934; FCC Commissioner] 12) Henry "Hank" Ketcham [Queen Anne 1937; Creator of comic Dennis the Menace] 13) Senator Brock Adams [Broadway 1944; US Representative, Senator, Secretary of Transportation] 14) Thomas Griffith [Roosevelt 1932; Editor of LIFE Magazine] 15) Edward Carlson [Lincoln 1928; President Western International Hotels]