Pinehurst [AS#1 at Pinehurst and Pinehurst K-8 and Hazel Wolf K-8 at Pinehurst] School Photograph Collection
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: PH-263
Content Description
4 boxes of photographs various sizes; negatives various formats.
Language of Description
Restrictions Apply
Use Restrictions
Photographs contained in this database are public records and do not require permission for use. Please cite photographs Courtesy of the Seattle Public Schools Archives and include the image number. Links to download are the best available digital file. High resolution files can be provided or created for images on request. Please send inquiries to
- Creation: 1950-2017
- 263-1 Aerial view of Pinehurst; 1955-07-19; B&W (2); Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
- 263-2 to 263-17 “Pioneer Days”, students in western costumes; 1981-04; Color (16)
- 263-18 to 263-19 Graduating class; 1954; B&W (2); Rowland Studio
- 263-20 Safety patrol; 1954; B&W; Rowland Studio
- 263-21 Class picture; 1960-06; B&W; Loren F. Larsen [studio or photographer]
- 263-22 Second grade class picture, Mrs. Hanson; 1970-1971; Color
- 263-23 to 263-66 Students, staff, school activities; ca. 1970s; Color (44)
- 263-68 Field Day activities, first graders dancing on playground; ca. 1950; B&W
- 263-69 Exterior view of Pinehurst school; B&W
- 263-70 Exterior view of Pinehurst Elementary; ca. 1950s; B&W
- 263-71 to 263-72 Halloween scene in classroom, with students in costume; ca. 1950s; B&W (2)
- 263-73 Pinehurst exterior form Mock-up for annual; ca. 1969-1970; B&W (3)
- 263-74 to 263-81 Safety patrol members, some identified; 1980-1981; Color (8)
- 263-93 to 263-100 PTA fashion show; 1973-1974; B&W (8)
- 263-101 to 263-107 Outdoor education classroom; 1975-05; Color (7)
- 263-108 Rear view of Pinehurst, A1982-2; 1960-09; B&W; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
- 263-109 Front view of Pinehurst, A1982-2; 1960-09; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
- 263-110 to 263-122 Safety patrol, students and police officer at 12th and Pinehurst; 1955-04-12; B&W (13); Seattle Police Department
- 263-123 Entrance to Pinehurst addition; 1960-05-24; B&W; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
- 263-124 to 263-131 Class photos, teachers identified; 1951-1952; B&W 8x10 (2 each); Edwards Photography
- 263-132 Staff photo; 1952-1953; B&W 8x10 (3); Edwards Photography
- 263-133 to 263-142 Class photos, teachers identified; 1952-1953; B&W 8x10 (1 each); Edwards Photography
- 263-143 to 263-159 Class photos, teachers identified; 1953-1954; B&W 8x10 (1 each); Edwards Photography
- 263-160 to 263-173 Class photos, teachers identified; 1965-1966; Color 5x8 (1 each)
- 263-174 Staff photo; 1966-1967; Color 5x8
- 263-175 to 263-191 Class photos, teachers identified; 1966-1967; Color 5x8 (1 each)
- 263-192 Staff photo; 1967-1968; Color 4x8 (1)
- 263-193 to 263-207 Class photos, teachers identified; 1967-1968; Color 5x8 (1 each)
- 263-208 to 263-220 Class photos, teachers identified; 1969-1970; Color 5x8 (1 each)
- 263-221 to 263-231 Class photos, teachers identified; 1970-1971; Color 5x8 (1 each)
- 263-232 Custodial staff: Glenn Helle, Roy Sand; ca. 1978; Color 3.5x5
- 263-233 View of name of school on outside of building; ca. 1978; Color 3.5x5
- 263-234 Jose Gantt, Josie Antolin, Doris Hanson, Terry Anderson, Grant Hill; ca. 1978; Color 3.5x5
- 263-235 Sharon Hemp, Claudia Kinman, Esther Herzog, Mr. Lee; ca. 1978; Color 3.5x5
- 263-236 Joanne Baldwin, in front of class; ca. 1978; 3x4 Polaroid
- 263-237 Pat Peltonen, Rob Magee; ca. 1978; 3x4 Polaroid
- 263-238 June Carlson; ca. 1978; 3x4 Polaroid
- 263-239 Mrs. Molyneux, Mr. Gantt; ca. 1978; 3x4 Polaroid
- 263-240 Joanne Baldwin, Pat Peltonen, Margaret Heinzen, June Carlson, Lois Kirkland in front of school; ca. 1978; Color 3.5x5
- 263-241 Terry Anderson outside; ca. 1978; 3x4 Polaroid
- 263-242 Margaret Atkinson; ca. 1978; 3x4 Polaroid
- 263-243 Faculty Luncheon Table with cake and gifts; 1978-06; 3x4 Polaroid
- 263-244 to 263-252 6th grade party, on beach; 1978-06; 3x4 Polaroid (1 each)
- 263-253 Roy Sand; ca. 1978; 3x4 Polaroid
- 263-254 Mr. Lee and schoolchildren near fence; ca. 1978; 3x4 Polaroid
- 263-255 Sharon Hemp, Claudia Kinman in office; ca. 1978; 3x4 Polaroid
- 263-256 Lois Kirkland, Pat Johnson in schoolroom; ca. 1978; 3x4 Polaroid
- 263-257 Terry and Gordy Anderson; ca. 1978; Color 3.5x5.5
- 263-258 Group of faculty, possibly in faculty lounge; ca. 1978; Color 3.5x5
- 263-259 to 263-272 Spelling Bee, students identified; 1980-1981; 3x4 Polaroid (1 each)
- 263-273 to 263-300 Various activities; 1980-1981; 3.5x5 (1 each)
- 263-301 Landmark photos of Pinehurst, hallways, classrooms, gym, exterior and grounds; 2012-12-17; Digital (69); Larry E. Johnson [studio or photographer]
- 263-302 to 263-303 Students on play equipment, with Johnathan Stevens, playground designer; 1986; B&W (2); Bokmon Dong [studio or photographer]
- 263-304 Students showing Special Friday t-shirts; 1988; B&W
- 263-305 Class pictures; 1991-1992; Color (7)
- 263-306 Class pictures, identified; 1994-1995; Color (8); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-307 Class pictures, identified; 1995-1996; Color (10); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-308 Class pictures, identified; 1996-1997; Color (11); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-309 Class pictures, identified; 1997-1998; Color (12); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-310 Class pictures, identified; 1998-1999; Color (11); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-311 Class pictures, identified; 1999-200; Color (14); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-312 Class pictures, identified; 2000-2001; Color (13); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-313 Class pictures, identified; 2001-2002; Color (10); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-314 Class pictures, identified; 2002-2003; Color (14); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-315 Class pictures, identified; 2003-2004; Color (14); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-316 Class pictures, identified; 2004-2005; Color (14); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-317 Class pictures, identified; 2005-2006; Color (13); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-318 Class pictures, identified; 2006-2007; Color (11); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-319 Student directory; 2008-2009; Color (11); Magic School Photography
- 263-320 Class pictures, identified; 2009-2010; Color (7); Magic School Photography
- 263-321 Class pictures, identified; 2010-2011; Color (9); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-322 Staff and class pictures, identified; 2011-2012; Color (11); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-323 All school portrait; Color (7); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-324 Album: school activities, building bat houses, Center for Wooden Boats; ca. 1990s; Color (24)
- 263-325 Album: All-School Camp, Cornet Bay; 1991-1992; 45 pages; Photos by Aaron Ashby
- 263-326 to 263-327 Album: Rites of Passage; 1993; Color (87)
- 263-328 Classroom scenes, by Chris Boudreau; Fall 1998; Color (16)
- 263-329 Classroom scenes; 1998-1999; Color (8)
- 263-330 Swimming pool, classroom, playground, field trip; 1998-1999; Color (19), 35 mm (27) negatives
- 263-331 Classroom scenes; ca. 1990s; Color (20), 35 mm (35) negatives
- 263-332 Field trip – Woodland Park Zoo; ca. 1990s; Color (12), 35 mm (27) negatives
- 263-333 Students on playground, gym, field trip, classroom; 1998-1999; Color (19)
- 263-334 Tooth Fair play; 1999; Color (5)
- 263-335 Field trip, cruise, classroom, swimming pool; 1999-2000; Color (16), 35mm (23) negatives
- 263-336 Car wash, volleyball team; ca. 1999-2000; Color (4)
- 263-337 Volleyball team, practice, at Value Village, restaurant; ca. 2000; Color (24)
- 263-338 Volleyball team and volleyball match, young students at Seattle Center; 2000; Color (30)
- 263-339 Camp, car wash; 1999-2000; Color (20), 35mm (27) negatives
- 263-340 Classroom scenes; 2000; Color (11)
- 263-341 Halloween parade, Sydney’s Core; 2000-2001; Color (18), 34mm (27) negatives
- 263-342 Sydney’s Core, volleyball, cruise, camp; 2000-2001; Color (33), 35mm (46) negatives
- 263-343 to 263-344 Yearbook paste-up; 1991-1992
- 263-345 Yearbook paste-up; 1993-1994
- 263-346 Cowen Park field trip – Victoria’s Core; 2003-09-26; Digital (63)
- 263-347 Margie’s Core presentation of foreign cultures; 2003-2003; Digital (28)
- 263-348 Victoria’s Core; 2003-2004; Digital (7)
- 263-349 8th Grade rites: canoes in Ingraham pool, on sailboat, mountain hike/camping trip; 2004-2005; Digital (83)
- 263-350 8th grade miscellaneous; 2005; Digital (67)
- 263-351 Model sailboats built by AS #1 students displayed at John Stanford Center; 2001-2008; Color 4x6 (3)
- 263-355 Pinehurst Facilities Construction Slides [exterior]; 1969; 35mm slides (13)
- 263-355 SPS PFL AEI [boy looking at tank of small fish (salmon?)]; 2002; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
- 263-356a 263-356b Girl reading newsletter; 2002; B&W 8x10 (2); Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
- 263-357 SPS PFL AEI [two girls laughing and walking in hallway]; 2002; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]
- 263-358 Pinehurst Finishes, exterior, interior; 2005; Digital (4)
- 263-359 Exterior courtyard, classroom and library addition; 2016; Digital; Joe Wolfe [studio or photographer]
- 263-360 Exterior main entrance with school sign; 2017; Digital; Benjamin Benschneider [studio or photographer]
- 263-361 Pinehurst Landmark Nomination photos; 2013; Digital (69); Larry Johnson Johnson Partnership [studio or photographer]
- 263-362 Hazel Wolf hallway with green [or living] wall; 2016; Digital; Benjamin Benschneider [studio or photographer]
- 263-364 Staff group photo [identified]; 2012-2013; Color 8x10; Lifetouch [studio or photographer]
- 263-365 to 263-374 Class photos [identified]; 2012-2013; Color 8x10 (10); Lifetouch [studio or photographer]