University Heights School Photograph Collection
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: PH-274
Content Description
2 Boxes of photographs various sizes; negatives various formats.
Language of Description
Restrictions Apply
Use Restrictions
Photographs contained in this database are public records and do not require permission for use. Please cite photographs Courtesy of the Seattle Public Schools Archives and include the image number. Links to download are the best available digital file. High resolution files can be provided or created for images on request. Please send inquiries to
- Creation: 1920-1989
Cultural context
- 274-1 Display of small sailboats in hallway; B&W (2), 8x10 negative, 4x5 negative, 2x3 negative
- 274-2 Aerial view of University Heights [see A1982-02]; 1960-07; B&W, 4x5 negative; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
- 274-3 View of University Heights from northeast [see A1982-02]; ca. 1939; B&W, 4x5 negatives
- 274-4 View of University Heights from south [see A1982-02]; ca. 1939; B&W
- 274-5 to 274-8 View of University Heights from east; 1960; B&W (4)
- 274-9 University Heights; 1903; B&W
- 274-10 Class of 1903, with teacher and principal, Loren Shaw, in classroom; 1903; B&W (2)
- 274-11 Some of class of 1912 (identified), with teacher and principal, Mr. Metzker, on steps of school; 1912; B&W
- 274-12 Christmas play cast, “Best Christmas Wishes to the Stars and Stripes”; 1916; B&W
- 274-13 to 274-16 Groups of 7th grade girls and boys; 1919; B&W (4)
- 274-17 Ed Carleton, in front of house; 1919; B&W
- 274-18 Two girls, in front of house; 1919; B&W
- 274-19 Class picture; ca. 1920; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-20 Class picture; ca. 1920s; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-21 Class picture; ca. 1920s; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-22 Class picture; 1925; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-23 Class picture, identified; 1925; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-24 to 274-26 Class pictures, identified; 1926; B&W (3); Perkins Studio
- 278-27 Class picture, identified; 1927-01; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-28 to 274-32 Class pictures, some identified; 1927-06; B&W (5); Perkins Studio
- 274-33 School orchestra, identified; 1927-06; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-34 Class picture; 1927-06; B&W; Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-35 to 274-36 Class pictures, some identified; 1927-06; B&W (2); Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-37 Class picture; 1928-01; B&W; Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-38 to 274-39 Class pictures, one autographed; 1929-06; B&W (3); Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-40 Gym teacher, Julia Miller, with baseball bat; 1930-1931; B&W
- 274-41 Elisabeth Elworthy, class of 1931, in midi blouse; 1920s; B&W
- 274-42 Class picture; 1930-01; B&W; Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-43 to 274-44 Class pictures; 1930-06; B&W (2); Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-45 Class picture 1931-01; B&W; Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-46 to 274-48 Class pictures; 1931-06; B&W (3); Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-49 Class picture; 1932-01; B&W; Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-50 to 274-52 Class pictures, some identified; 1932-06; B&W (3); Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-53 Class picture; 1933-01; B&W; Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-54 to 274-55 Class pictures; 1933-06; B&W (2); Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-56 Class picture; 1934-01; B&W; Linkletter Studio
- 274-57 to 274-58 Class pictures; 1934-06; B&W (2); Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-59 Class picture; 1935-01; B&W; Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-60 Class picture; 1935-06; B&W; Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-61 Class picture; 1936-01; B&W; Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-62 to 274-64 Class pictures; 1936-06; B&W (3); Frank Perkins [studio or photographer]
- 274-65 Class picture; 1938-01; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-66 Class picture, names listed; 1938-06; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-67 Class picture, names listed; 1939-01; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-68 Class picture; 1939-06; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-69 Safety patrol; 1940-01; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-70 Class picture; 1940-01; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-71 Safety Patrol; 1940-06-01; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-72 Class picture; 1940-06; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-73 Class picture [some identified]; 1941-01; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-74 Safety patrol; 1941-01-20; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-75 Class picture; 1941-06; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-76 to 274-77 Safety patrol; 1941-06-01; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-78 Class picture; 1941-01; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-79 Class picture; 1942-06; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-80 to 274-81 Safety patrol; 1942-06; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-82 Class picture; 1943-01; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-83 Class picture; 1944-01; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-84 Safety patrol; 1944-01; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-85 to 274-86 Class picture; 1944-01; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-87 Class picture, names on back; 1944-06; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-88 to 274-89 Safety patrol, some identified; 1944; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-90 Class picture, some names on back; 1945; B&W
- 274-91 Safety patrol; 1945; B&W
- 274-92 Safety patrol; 1946-01-25; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-93 Class picture; 1946-01-25; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-94 Safety patrol; 1946; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-95 Class picture; 1946; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-96 to 274-99a Class pictures – kindergarten; 1946; B&W (5); Gierke Studio
- 274-100 to 274-101 Safety patrol; Fall 1946; B&W (2); Gierke Studio
- 274-102 Ten students; Fall 1946; B&W; Gierke Studio
- 274-103 to 274-105 Safety patrol; 1947; B&W (3); Gierke Studio
- 274-106 to 274-112 Class picture – grade 6A; 1947; B&W (7); Gierke Studio
- 274-113 to 274-116 Class pictures – kindergarten; 1947; B&W (4); Gierke Studio
- 274-117 to 275-118 Safety patrol, identified; 1947-1948; B&W (3); Perkins Studio
- 274-119 Class picture; 1948; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-120 Safety patrol, names on back; Fall 1948; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-121 to 274-122 Class pictures, 6th grade, identified; 1949; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-123 to 274-124 Safety patrol; 1949-05; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-125 to 274-126 Class pictures, identified; 1950-06; B&W (3); Perkins Studio
- 274-127 to 274-128 Class pictures, 6th grade, identified; 1951-06; B&W (3); Perkins Studio
- 274-129 to 274-130 Class pictures, 6th grade, identified; 1952-06; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-131 to 274-132 Class pictures, identified; 1953-06; B&W (3); Perkins Studio
- 274-133 Safety patrol, identified; 1953-06; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-134 to 274-135 Class pictures, identified; 1954-06; B&W (3); Perkins Studio
- 274-136 Safety patrol; 1954-06; B&W (2); Perkins Studio
- 274-137 Safety patrol, identified; 1955; B&W
- 274-138 to 274-139 Class pictures, 6th grade, identified; 1955; B&W (3)
- 274-140 to 274-142 Class pictures, some identified; 1956-06; B&W (3)
- 274-143 to 274-144 Safety patrol; 1956-06; B&W (2)
- 274-145 Safety patrol; 1957-06; B&W
- 274-146 to 274-148 Class picture, identified; 1957-06; B&W (4)
- 274-149 Safety patrol; 1958-06; B&W; Perkins Studio
- 274-150 to 274-152 Class pictures, identified; 1958-06; B&W (3); Perkins Studio
- 274-153 Safety patrol, identified; 1958-1959; B&W
- 274-154 Class picture; 1960-06; B&W
- 274-155 to 274-157 Individual class pictures; 1964-1965; B&W (3)
- 274-158 Class picture, grade 4; 1971-1972; Color
- 274-159 Individual class pictures, Joyce Christianson, teacher; 1975-1976; Color
- 274-160 Class picture, 1st grade; 1979-1980; Color
- 274-161 Class picture, kindergarten; 1980-1981; Color
- 274-162 Class picture, 1st grade, identified; 1980-1981; Color
- 274-163 Class picture, 1st grade; 1983-1984; Color
- 274-164 Staff portrait, identified; 1983-1984; Color (2)
- 274-167 to 274-172 Staff pictures, identified; 1985; Color (6)
- 274-173 to 274-177 Class pictures; 1974-1975; Color (4)
- 274-178 Principal Richard Ennis with children, Jennifer Meadow and Sloane Wilson, daughter of MLB pitcher, Rudy May; 1978; B&W
- 274-179 to 274-203 Option I classroom scenes; 1974-1975; Color (25)
- 274-204 Staff portrait; 1988-1989; Color
- 274-205 Exterior view of University Heights [from report 220.062]; 1968; B&W
- 274-206 to 274-226 Class pictures, teachers identified; 1969-1970; Color (21)
- 274-227 to 274-240 Class pictures, teachers identified; 1973-1974; Color (14)
- 274-241 to 274-255 Class pictures, teachers identified; 1975-1976; Color (15)
- 274-256 to 274-267 Class pictures, teachers identified; 1976-1977; Color (12)
- 274-268 to 274-281 Class pictures, teachers identified; 1977-1978; Color (14)
- 274-282 to 274-288 Class pictures, teachers identified; 1978-1979; Color (17)
- 274-289 to 274-301 Class pictures, teachers identified; 1981-1982; Color (13)
- 274-302 to 274-315 Class pictures, teachers identified; 1984-1985; Color (14)
- 274-316 to 274-332 Class pictures, teachers identified; 1985-1986; Color (17)
- 274-333 Classroom scene; ca. 1980; B&W
- 274-334 Three girls outside University Heights; 1987-1988; B&W
- 274-335 Class pictures, album; 1987; Color (15); Professional School Pictures
- 274-336 Third grade students and piñata; 1957-12-19; B&W; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
- 274-337 Third grade students watching puppet play; 1957-12-19; B&W; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
- 274-338 Group of students in classroom; ca. 1970s; B&W
- 274-339 Group of students on play equipment, school in background; ca. 1970s; Color
- 274-340 University Heights viewed from NE; ca. 1960s; B&W
- 274-341 to 274-342 Exterior details of University Heights; ca. 1960s; B&W (2)
- 274-343 to 274-346 Interior details of University Heights; ca. 1960s; B&W (4)
- 274-350 Facilities Construction Slides [exterior, gym]; 1969-1970; 35mm slides (7)
- 274-351 University Heights building survey; March 1984; Polaroids (30) mounted and labeled on album paper
- 274-352 University Heights property appraisal photos, images of University District; 1972; B&W 8x10, Color 3x4.5 (7)