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West Seattle High School Photograph Collection

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: PH-019

Content Description

3 Boxes of photographs, negatives various sizes

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Photographs contained in this database are public records and do not require permission for use. Please cite photographs Courtesy of the Seattle Public Schools Archives and include the image number. Links to download are the best available digital file. High resolution files can be provided or created for images on request. Please send inquiries to


  • Creation: 1900s-2003
  • 019-1 Female student taking dictation from principal, Mr. Cassidy; ca. 1921; B&W 8x10
  • 019-2 Boys unpacking supplies in paper room; ca. 1921; B&W 8x10
  • 019-3 Assembly room; 1917-10-12; B&W 5x7 (5), 5x7 nitrate negatives [converted], 4x5 copy negative
  • 019-4 West Seattle High School exterior, from roof of playfield house; 1917-11; B&W 5x7 (4), 5x7 glass negative, B&W slide
  • 019-5 West Seattle High School exterior, viewed from NE; ca. 1917; B&W 8x10, 4x5 negative
  • 019-6 to 019-7 West Seattle High School exterior, in snow; ca. 1917; B&W 8x10 (2), 4x5 (2) negatives
  • 019-8 Greenhouse interior, with students; ca. 1917; B&W 5x7, 4x5 (2) negatives
  • 019-9 Female students in typing class; ca. 1917; B&W 5x7 (3)
  • 019-10 Aerial view of West Seattle; 1963-08-16; B&W 8x10 (3), 4x5 copy negative; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
  • 019-11 Aerial view of West Seattle; 1963-08-16; B&W 8x10 (2), 4x5 copy negative; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
  • 019-12 to 019-13 West Seattle High School exterior; B&W 5x9 (2), 4x5 copy (2) negative
  • 019-14 West Seattle High School exterior; ca. 1920s; B&W 5x6 (2), 8x10 negative
  • 019-15 Basketball team, identified; ca. 1900s; B&W 4.5x7 mounted
  • 019-16 Football team, identified; ca. 1900s; B&W 5x6 mounted
  • 019-17 Football team, identified; ca. 1900s; B&W 6x8 mounted; O.T. Frasch [studio or photographer]
  • 019-18 Office practice/experience [Frederick & Nelson?]; ca. 1920; B&W 8x10
  • 019-19 Office practice/experience [Frederick & Nelson?]; ca. 1920; B&W 8x10, 4x5 copy negative
  • 019-20 Senior ball, class of 1914, some identified; 1914-05-08; B&W 6x8.5 mounted, 4x5 copy negative; A.G. Simmer [studio or photographer]
  • 019-21 West Seattle High School front view; ca. 1970; B&W 8x10 (2), 4x5 copy negative; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 019-22 Football game, Franklin vs West Seattle [from scrapbook #1, A1888-8]; ca. 1924; B&W 8x10 (2), 4x5 copy negative; Ralf Ochi, Franklin High School [source or photographer]
  • 019-23 Front and side of West Seattle, from NW; ca. 1917; B&W 8x10
  • 019-24 Front of West Seattle [see A1997-11]; B&W 8x10 (2)
  • 019-25 Basketball team [see A1997-11] 1959; B&W 8x10
  • 019-26 West Seattle High School band on field, Thanksgiving Day game vs. Ballard [see A1997-11]; 1961; B&W 8x10
  • 019-27 to 019-30 West Seattle football team [see A1997-11 or Athletics PH-661]; 1961; B&W 8x10 (4)
  • 019-31 Coach and football players with trophy [see A1997-11 or Athletics PH-661]; 1961; B&W 8x10
  • 019-32 Boy posing in letterman jacket [see A1997-11 or Athletics PH-661]; 1961; B&W 8x10
  • 019-33 to 019-34 Cheerleaders [see A1997-11 or Athletics PH-661]; 1961; B&W 8x10 (2)
  • 019-35 Football team [see A1997-11 or Athletics PH-661]; 1961; B&W 8x10
  • 019-36 Native American dancer painting, in gym [see A1997-11 or Athletics PH-661]; 1961; B&W 8x10
  • 019-37 Assistant coaches, identified [see A1997-11 or Athletics PH-661]; 1961; B&W 8x10
  • 019-38 Stage, showing earthquake damage; 1965-04-30; B&W 8x10; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
  • 019-39 Auditorium, showing earthquake damage; 1965-04-30; B&W 8x10; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
  • 019-40 Exterior, showing earthquake damage; 1965-04-30; B&W 8x10; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
  • 019-41 Hike to Lake Burien; 1918; B&W 3x5; 4x5 copy negative
  • 019-42 Girls in swimsuits; 1917-1918; B&W 2x4, 4x5 copy negative
  • 019-43 Page from WWI scrapbook; 1917-1918; 4x5 copy negative
  • 019-44 Page from WWI scrapbook; 1918; 4x5 copy negative
  • 019-45 Partial page from WWI scrapbook; 1917-1918
  • 019-46 Aerial view of West Seattle High; 1963-08-16; B&W 8x10; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
  • 019-47 Exterior of West Seattle High, showing earthquake damage; 1965-04-30; B&W 8x10; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
  • 019-48 Stage, showing earthquake damage; 1965-04-30; B&W 8x10; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
  • 019-49 Interior, showing earthquake damage; 1965-04-30; B&W 8x10; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
  • 019-50 Gym addition; ca. 1970; B&W 8x10; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 019-51 Music [?] addition; 1960; B&W 8x10; Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
  • 019-52 Exterior, main entrance; ca. 1965; B&W 3.5x5
  • 019-53 Occupational education: Betty Code; 1972; B&W 8x10; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 019-54 Occupational education: shadow program; 1972; B&W 8x10; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 019-55 Occupational education: Radio & TV; KIRO studio; 1972; B&W 8x10; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 019-56 Occupational education: teaching, some identified; 1972; B&W 8x10; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 019-57 Occupational education: shadow program, some identified; 1972; B&W 8x10; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 019-58 Occupational education: at Tally Corp, Kent, students identified; 1971; B&W 8x10; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 019-59 Students sitting outside, next to portable; 1972; B&W 5x7; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 019-60 Social studies teacher, Bradley Folensbee, and student; ca. 1970; B&W 7x10; Camera Craft [studio or photographer]
  • 019-61 Teacher, Bob Iverson, and students in classroom; ca. 1980; B&W 5x7
  • 019-62 West Seattle High School from SE; 1917; B&W 14.5x20, 30x25 framed; Blair, Edgar (Architect)
  • 019-063 to 019-380 Students in formalwear holding rolled diplomas(?), student and teacher portraits (some identified), girls and boys basketball players, tennis and track, baseball team, snapshots of student groups and activities (some identified), tennis team, cast of plays, teachers posed in front of school, two soldiers (one wounded), class of 1923 &1924, debate club, sewing class, student control, auto shop, Freshman & Sophomore classes, orchestra & choir, auditorium, football games (some at Denny field?), physics lab [some duplicate photos in scrapbook #2]; 1915-1928; B&W
  • 019-381 to 019-624 Female students, incl. Beth Lipsky on a beach, student groups, tennis players, R. Knight and others in evening dress costumes for play, group of teachers in front of school (?), baseball, football and track, soldiers in uniform, soldiers firing guns from trench, student musicians, student vaudevillians, dance, student club; 1916-1919; B&W
  • 019-625 to 019-747 Portraits of WW I soldiers in uniform, snapshots of soldiers in camp, on ship; photos of football teams and baseball games, girl tennis players, class officers, student groups and activities; ca. 1917-1919; B&W
  • 019-748 Senior class [?] in front of school; 1983; Color 11x17
  • 019-749 Senior class [?]; ca. 1984; Color 11x17
  • 019-750 to 019-916 Photos of Moccasin Club activities, author appearances, and pictures of library and staff; 1950s-1960s; B&W
  • 019-917 to 019-926 Photos from Moccasin Club scrapbooks [found in Chinook files A2000-15]; 1950s; B&W (10)
  • 019-927 to 019-951Views of school exterior and hallways, some students pictured; 1970s-1980s; B&W (25)
  • 019-952 to 019-972 Assemblies, special events, demonstrations; 1960s-1980s; B&W (21)
  • 019-973 to 019-977 Special events: blood drives, voting, trash pick-up; 1970s-1980s; B&W (5)
  • 019-978 to 019-1001 Classrooms and students in classrooms; 1960-1990s; B&W (24)
  • 019-1002 to 019-1027 Student activities; 1960s-1990s; B&W (26)
  • 019-1028 to 019-1039 Groups of students; 1960s-1990s; B&W (12)
  • 019-1040 to 019-1051 Staff and administration in action; 1960s-1990s; B&W (12)
  • 019-1052 to 019-1068 Candid photos, individuals, student life; 1960s-1990s; B&W (17)
  • 019-1069 to 019-1077 Photos of library; 1950s-1990s; B&W (13)
  • 019-1078 to 019-1089 Music program at West Seattle High School; 1960s-1980s; B&W (12)
  • 019-1090 to 019-1096 Students working on “Chinook” Newspaper; 1960s-1970s?; B&W (7)
  • 019-1097 to 019-1108 Reunions; 1970s / 1979; B&W (12)
  • 019-1109 to 019-1119 Baseball; 1970s-1980s; B&W (11)
  • 019-1120 to 019-1141 Boys basketball [one reprinted photo from the 1920s]; 1950s-1980s; B&W (22)
  • 019-1142 to 019-1149 Girls basketball; 1970s-1980s; B&W (8)
  • 019-1150 to 019-1159 Cheerleading; 1960s-1990s; B&W (10)
  • 019-1160 to 019-1179 Football; 1970s-1980s; B&W (20)
  • 019-1180 to 019-1186 Golf; 1970s-1980s; B&W (7)
  • 019-1187 to 019-1201 Boys gymnastics; 1960s-1970s; B&W (15)
  • 019-1202 to 019-1209 Girls gymnastics; 1970s-1980s; B&W (8)
  • 019-1210 to 019-1214 Martial arts; ca. 1980s; B&W (5)
  • 019-1215 to 019-1216 Ski club; 1980s; B&W (2)
  • 019-1217 to 019-1232 Soccer; 1960s-1980s; B&W (16)
  • 019-1233 to 019-1236 Girls softball; 1970s-1980s; B&W (4)
  • 019-1237 to 019-1248 Swimming; 1960s-1980s; B&W (12)
  • 019-1249 to 019-1260 Tennis; 1960s-1980s; B&W (12)
  • 019-1261 to 019-1275 Track & Field; 1960s-1980s; B&W (15)
  • 019-1276 to 019-1283 Volleyball; 1970s-1980s; B&W (8)
  • 019-1284 to 019-1287 Weightlifting; 1970s; B&W (4)
  • 019-1288 to 019-1296 Wrestling; 1970s-1980s; B&W (9)
  • 019-1297 Football action shot, newspaper proof; 1940; B&W 6x10
  • 019-1298 Football team; ca. 1964; B&W 8x10
  • 019-1299 Unveiling of three WPA Murals at West Seattle High School; 2002; Color 4x6 (29); Eleanor Toews [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1300 Custodians, some identified; B&W 5x5.5
  • 019-1301 Pre-construction, interiors and front entrance; 2000-05-13; B&W 4x5, 8.5x11 (4)
  • 019-1302 Earthquake damage; 2001-02-28; B&W 8x10 (2); Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1303 Construction, chiefly exterior; 2001; B&W 8x10 (7); Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1304 Construction, interior; Feb-Aug 2002; B&W 8x10 (13); Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1305 Open house; 2002-10-12; Color 4x5 (16); Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1306 Ground-breaking ceremony; 2001-10-17; B&W 8x10 (7), B&W 5x10, B&W 14x20 mounted, 4x5 (7) negatives; Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1307 West Seattle High School exterior; 2003-08-13; Color 8x10 (2); Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1308 West Seattle High School exterior; ca. 1990; Color 4x6
  • 019-1309 to 019-1310 Students studying in library; ca. 1920s; B&W (2)
  • 019-1311 to 019-1313 Student visit to West Seattle National bank; 1955-03-15; B&W (3); Royal C. Crooks [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1314 to 019-1323 Construction [see Acc. A2001-09]; 2001-2002; Color (10) mounted; Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1324 Unveiling of WPA murals at Seattle Center, including Eleanor Toews, Archivist, and some others identified; 2001-11; Color (25)
  • 019-1325 WPA murals outdoors; 2000-05; 35mm slides (7)
  • 019-1326 Hanging WPA murals; ca. 2002; 35mm color (8) negatives
  • 019-1327 Aerial view of West Seattle High School and vicinity; ca. 1960s; 4x5 negative
  • 019-1328 Bathroom; 1973-04; 35mm slide
  • 019-1329 to 019-1331 Boys gym; 1963-10-15; B&W (3)
  • 019-1332 Sisterhood/brotherhood assembly; students in Hawaiian costumes; 1988; B&W
  • 019-1333 Choices: students in art class; 1988-1989; B&W
  • 019-1334 Student, Candice Corey with clothing donated to Orion Center; 1989; B&W
  • 019-1335 REAP conflict resolution class; 1992; Color (4), 35mm (11) negatives
  • 019-1336 Contact sheet, pre-construction: exterior views of SE corner, boiler stack; interior views of auditorium and gym 2; 2000-05-15; B&W
  • 019-1337 Construction progress, mostly interiors; 2000-2001; B&W (7); Nelson Enterprises [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1338 Aerial view of West Seattle High School during construction; 2000-2002; Color (71); Sky-Pix [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1339 Aerial view; 1992-11-25; B&W
  • 019-1340 [From A1988-08, scrapbook #10: album] "Geneve aux ecoles de Seattle amicalement", pictures of female student and others, school scenes, Geneva postcards and landscape scenes; 1959-06; B&W
  • 019-1341 to 019-1348 Cheerleaders; ca. 1970s-1980s; B&W (8)
  • 019-1349 Senior class, in front of school; 1987; Color
  • 019-1350 West Seattle Kimtah Class; 1998; Color 5x7; E. Billadine [studio or photographer]
  • 019-1351 Facilities Construction Slides [Upper Girls Gym, Girls Locker Room]; ca. 1970; 35mm slides (2)
  • 019-1352 Two girls painting a banner on floor of cafeteria [common area]; 2003; B&W 8x10; Susie Fitzhugh [studio or photographer]