Lafayette Historical Materials
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- Creation: 1900-2011
1 Linear Feet
Box 1 1. 1948 "The History of Lafayette School by Emma Lou Castleman's Fifth Grade Class" 2. 1969 "Lafayette Elementary School - A brief history of the Lafayette School in its 75th year" [photos removed to PH-239] 3. 1900 / 1907 publications on West Seattle 4. 1965-1980 school certificates of recognition 5. 1929 February "Lafayette Broadcaster" newsletter 6. 1929 June "Lafayette Broadcaster" newsletter 7. 1929 June "Lafayette Broadcaster" newsletter 8. Lafayette history file 9. Room 8 Recipes 10. "Help!! Lafayette School Build a Better Community Playground" pins (2) 11. Performance programs, brochures 12. Green and white felt patch 13. Class of 2003 memory book 14. 2008-2010, 2011-2012 Family Handbooks 15. 2007-2011 Student Directories 16. 1994-1995 Young Authors Conference plaque 17. 1990-1997 Spelling Bee Winner(s) plaque 18. 1991-1996 Geography Bee Winner(s) plaque 19. Brick from original 1893 brick building [North Hall]. Box 2 1. Five silver spoons, engraved with "L.P.T.A.", in black shadow box frame. Label in box, "PTA Silver - unknown date and origin" 2. Felt and satin bear puppet, made by Martha Glassey 3. 1950-1978 PTA yearbooks/directories/calendars 4. 2005-2010 Laminated news clippings