Certificated (Teachers and Principals) Employee Files: applications, work history, some photos, 1920-1965
Scope and Contents
Box 1 Abbey, George F. Abell, Charles Adams, Evelyn Myers Adams, Tessie Geneva Miller Adkisson, Gladys Marie Aduddell, Lillian M. Williamson Ahnquist, Gerhard Akin, Rena Davis Albrecht, Claudia M. Rubbert Alderson, Vera Alexander, Bessie Evans Allen, Dorothy Allen, Cecil May Allen, Dolores Allen, Juanita Walker Allen, Zella E. Allison, Mary C. Almquist, Edward E. Alston, Gladys Williams Amsbary, Nelle G. Anderson, Barbara E. Anderson, Elsie Henthorn Anderson, Esculene (Grace?) Anderson, Florence Anderson, Frances Holman Anderson, Helen D. Anderson, Lawrence Matt Anderson, Leila McGee Anderson, Mamie J. Anderson, Rose Green Anderson, Virgil V. Antonsen, Ethel Anunson, Violet Luetta Andrews, Helen Grace Appy, Nellie C. Armbuster, Walter Arnell, Rebecca Arnold, Agnes E. Chapman Arnold, Shirley Simmons Atkins, Kathleen Atwood, Mae Guild Ayers, Elizabeth Greenwood Ayers, Ethel Florence Ayerst, Bellezemere Baird, Flora E. Stoliker Baird, Helen Anderson Baker, Isabel McArthur Baker, Mildred A McFarland Balcom, Clara H. Dyren Ballinger, Margaret Bankert, Zetta E. Barbo, Carl S. Barclay, Doris Myers Barquist, Eva M. Bay, Marian A. Beal, Lucile A. Schwartze Bellazzi, Roberta A. Benbow,Agnes Johnson Bendele, Henry Arthur Bender, Florence M. Bennie, Ruth Richter Benson, Margaret Passage Benson, Marion Owens Berg, Claude Berg, Iva Clare Love Berge, Helen Kortendick Bardon, Phillip L. Berry, Florence Berto, Vilas John II Beusch, Otto William I Bigelow, Mildred Bilbrey, Gertrude Miller
Box 2 Bishir, Kathleen Stewart Bingham, Ethel 0. Bishop, Edwin James Bishop, Lona Stendal Black, JoAnne Erickson Black, Julia K. Blanchard, Margaret Burris Blauert, Muriel Tollefson Blauert, Paul H. Blenkinsop, Marianne A. Block, Virginia Lee Bloodgood, Lucille Bloom, Olive C. Bogardus, Richard S. Boettcher, Myrtle Christine Bogdan, Carroll L. Stiles Boggs, Thelma V. Bolstad, Arthur I Bond, Austin D. Boock, E. Babette Boulware, Barbara Reid Boselly, Shirley E. Bowen, George W. Boyd, Arthur J. Boyd, Kathleen V. Boyd, Margaret Sayre Boyd, Ruby Coates Bowman, Mary Gubbins Boye, Laura Bradley, Rachel Shepard Bradgon, Ruth A. Branam, Florence Bratsberg, Gina B. Bratton, Robert Bray, Esther Deitrich Breuer, Alice Sorensen Brewitt, Laura June Bringloe, Marguerite Briar, Howard M. Broady, Zella Owens Brobst, Hazel Wood Brock, Frank M. Brogen, Ruth E. Brooks, Wallace G Brown, Albia Brown, Evelyn Brown, Florence L. Brown, Gladys I. Brown, Margaret Parkin Brunson, Carlotta Hilis Bryan, Merlaine Buck, Frances Buckley, Hubert Bullock, Cecil F. Burg, Matilda Burgan, Bernice Severson Burke, Margaret Mary Burmaster, Clyde H. Burnett, Edna J. Burns, Emanuel E. Burns, Kathryn A. Burns, Pauline M. Walsh Burrell, David J. Burrell, Henrietta Burrows, Robert B. Bursell, Blanche Bush, Elizabeth Burton, Gladys M. Burton, Rosannah McKenney Butt, Charles N. Buttars, Esther Butterbaugh.Wayne Button, Mary R. Byerly, Marian Butzirus, Helen Van Gilder Byers, Blanche E. Byers, Florence Soderback Caldwell, Harrison L. Caldwell, Iris Ludden Callender, Mabel W. Cameron, Ruth W.
Box 3 Campbell, Grace Riggs Campbell, lzora DeEtte 1· Caplan, Sophie Coyne Cargyle, Dorothy Carlin, Violet Mae Carlson, Geneva Weirauch Carlson, Florence Carlson, June Scoville Carlson, Stina E. Paulson Carmichael, Merle Eaton Carrie, Anna Baxter Carstairs, Margaret T. Carstens, Lillian Marie Carter, Anna Cochrane Carter, Blanda Casey, Margaret Gehrke Cass, Frank Caudill, Sylvan C. Chambers, June Chamberlain, Helen F. Dunbar Chamberlain, Gundrun E. Chargois, Doris Lottie Cheesig, Viola Agusta Charland, Ernest M. Chichester, John Bernard Chilberg, Mabel Childs, Aileen Dorothy I Chisholm, Thelma M. Christianson, Margaret Foss Christie, Edna Lillian Chrysler, James A Clack, Opal Clark, Inez E. Clark, Margaret Cark, Marjorie E. Coats, Florence Coffey, Tennie L Cogley, Maude 0. Coleson, Bertha Comings, Gwen Bardon Compton, Ethelyn M. Barber Comstock, Leila Logan Comstock, Lloyd R. Conant, Elizabeth Cone, Dwight Conner, Lila Mae Conrad, Emma Connolly, Angeline Coogan, Amy Donlan Cook, Flossie Rinehart Cook, Parker E. Cooke, Thelma Fay Cooper, Catherine M. Cooper, Gertrude Elizabeth Cooper, Margaret Corbett, Helen M. Bohan Corlett, Mildred Cornwell, Grace H. Ryan Corrin, Elsie Cosgrove, Jacqueline Alice Countryman, Dorothy Hartzell Covey, Margaret Spaight Cowell, William M.
Box 4 Crain, Elsie O'Neill Cramblitt, Echo Isabelle Crampton, Anne C. Crater, Alice Nelson Creamer, Evelyn Crook, Clifton Cross, Sara Agnes Groves Cummings, Lenore Curtis, Dorothy, M. Cushen, Doris E. Havey Daggett.Bertha Daggett, Laura M. Dahlberg, Edith Dale, Margaret Carey Daley, M. Genevieve Daniel, Wilber E.
Box 5 Daquila, Elizabeth Bush Davidson, Hazel Wright Davis, Dora Smith Davis, Genevieve M. Risley Davis, Hayes A. Davis, Homer M. Davis, Lois E. Davison, Bessie Lee Dawson, Grace Florence Dean Howard A. Degnan, Lillian May DeHart, Louise F. DeGroote, Elizabeth Gambee Deird, Rena Delaney, Marguerite Comozzi Delaney, Marjorie Starks Delanty, Mary Nix
Box 6 Denison, Muriel G. Denton, James Taylor I DePoorter, Anne Grandia Damberger, Nell Eliza Almond DeRoca, Nellis McBroom Derrig, Georgena Dewey, Charles Sherman Dewhurst, Janet DeSerisy, Homer J. Dial, Ruth Harrington Dils, Eugene Dingley, Honora O'Hara Divet, Berta Russell Dixon, Elsa K. Doerrer, Laura Donahue,LevadaG. Dorr, Frances E. Forsgren Dorrance, Lillian Rachel
Box 7 Dotson, Clara A. Doty, Laverne M. Doty, Lloyd W. Douglas, Bernice E. Dow, Mina L. Downes, Marjory Downey, Mina Neuert Downey, Zenaide Doyle, Doris Ilene Doyle, Patricia Nann Dranga, C. Melvin Dreezen, Addie E. Martin Drury, Helen Mowat Duff, Jessie M. Dugger, Maye Dunham, Alma Johns Dunham, Cecil J. Dunn, Bess A. Dunn, Helen M.
Box 8 Dunphy, Ruth Louise Eggers Dunwoodie, Ellen Collins Durgin, Estelle R. Vizio Durrwachter, Irma Dworshak, Eleanor Dwyer, Katherine Mary Eccles, Ardis R. Edgers, Nancy Prentice Edgerton, Ernest B. Edwards, Irwin A. Egan, Rosalie Pellegrini Elledge, Gladys P. Ekholm, Dorothy Ellegood, Sarah Moawad Ellison, Lena B. Elsea, Hazel M.
Box 9 Elwood, Laura Nye Sterling Eppler, Ira Erickson, Walter H. Evans, Lena Ludington Evans, Rondeau LaVeme Everett, Helen E. Ewalt, Lee Ewart, Florence Wren Ewing, Leila Fadock, Ida L. Davenport Fadus, Gertrude Fullam Fahrer, Frances Lucie Farlow, E. Laverne
Box 10 Farmer, George S. Farner, Edna Emma Farnum, Florence May Farrell, Harriet M. Faust, Phyllis M. Feaster, Mary B. Felton, Eleanor Fetzer, Genevieve Ferbrache, Anne Mabel Ferguson, E. Frances Filion, Eva G. Fine, Fred J. Finlay, Helen M. Fiscus, Louis R. Fisher, Alice Peck Fleshman, Idabel C. George Flick, Hilda Flinn, Signe Marie
Box 11 Flock, Eunice Flohr, Estelle Erickson Flynn, Geneva Elizabeth Folsom, Laurie McKay Foote, Margaret Foresman, Alie Carter Fosjord, Laurinda Caroline Kaufman Foss, Dagmar Foss, Magda G. Foy, Aletha Hubbard Francis, Erma Jordan Francis, Valborg Christensen Frank, Betty M. Frank, Clara Sullivan Franklin, Thora Nielsen Franks, Ruth
Box 12 Frederick, Edna A. Freeborg, Edith M. Freitag, Lyla J. Robin Fringer, Emma Froid, Lillian lsolany Frossard, Clara G. Frost, Leona L. Telford Fullenwider, Elizabeth D. Fullenwider, Elmer D. Fuller, Marguerite Hoyt Fulner, Norine Malloy Gallagher, R. Theresa Gallup, Edna Garred, Margaret Katherine Fairbanks Garrett, Chester T. Garrison, Harry L.
Box 13 Geiger, Margaret Cogley Geisert, Antone Gellermann, Mildred Wright Genereux, Josephine Bartholomew George, Aleta Mayes Geyer, William Albert Giedt, Lois Hosking Gilbert, Beulah H. Gilliagan, Dorothy E. Gillmore, Elizabeth Glass, Clara S. Glass, Samuel Nevin Gleason, Adoree Smith Gleed, Dee S. Goddard, Florence Godden, Robert W .
Box 14 Goldback, Harold Golden, Bonnita Cora Davis Gorham, Elizabeth Hills Gould, Bartha Gould, Lois Katz Granneberg, Dorothy A. Grant, Helen Genevieve Grant, Minnie H. Grant, Naomi M. Graves, Hazel Paramore Gray, Charles Winans Greathouse, Forrest G. Green, Lydia Flesher Greer, Edward Y. Gregerson, Pearl E. Gregory, Helen M. Griggs, Jay H. Grocock, Robert
Box 15 Grodal, Anna Alsaker Groves, Emma C. Grube, Dorothy Wiersema Guider, Marty Ethel Gunderson, Sylvia M. Skarsten Guthrie, Iris B. Haas, Victor E. Hagerty, Frank Haggman, Jennie A. Hague, Lloyd C. Hald, Helen A. Hall, Inez Welch Knighton Malone Hall, Vesper T. Haller, Bernadine Halley, Theresa Crews Hambleton, Edith L.
Box 16 Hammett, Kellie C. Hanna, Edna Lawrence Hannaford, Gordon (Charles) Hansen, Dorothie Hanson, Mildred J.S. Hanson, Mildred M. Harden, Florence Hamedy, Kathleen M. Harpster, Maybelle Esther D. Harriman, Cora E. Tonkin Harris, Sigrid Von Hellens Harris, Violet E.
Box 17 Harris, Wilma Zediker Harsch, Orbena Hart, Myrtle M. Long Haserick, Alice E. Hatfield, Bernice Donaway Hatley, Porter J. Haugan, Evelyn M. Headrick, Esther A. Schlaak Hebert, Elene M. Hedington, Mary Heffelfinger, Charles Hook
Box 18 Hefferman, Anna Heid, Anna Heinzinger, Mabel M. Henkel, Erwin R. Hendrickson, Julie E. Hendrickson, William Hendrickson, Floyd E. Hermanson, Clara Herren, Selma Brody Hicks, Helen B. Hilburn, Esther Winks Hill, Martha G. Hiersch, Frederick Alexander Hinshaw, Mildred E. Heinzinger, Ruth Elizabeth
Box 19 Hochleitner, Louise Hodges, Florence G. Chester Hogan, Clara Holmes, Ada Bella Holmes, Pauline Swanson Holmquist, Alice Holte, Hartley M. Hooper, Cornelia Hootman, Mary R. Hopp, Kathryn Hopper, Eleanor Horney, Harry R. Hotchkiss, Lillian B. Houser, Jasmina Mc Lean Houts, Katherine How, Bella Marie How, Jessie K .
Box 20 Howells, Harriet Hoyt, Donald Hoy, Mabel L. Biery Hubbard, Madge Hull, Louis G. Hunt, Cecilia Turner Hunt, Harold J. Hunt, Jean Huntington, Gloria Frink Huntington, Winnifred Bell Hurley, Jessie R. Hurst, Sara LaGorce
Box 21 Huseby, Harold C. Huseby, Marie Hutcheson, Cecelia M. Hutton, Marion A. Ihrig, Ida Mae Ingels, Wilda Marie Innis, Margorie Nelson Issacs, Ruth Ivarson, Oselio Ivarson, Gudrun Docka
Box 22 Jackson, Betty Jackson, Nancy Walsh Jacobson, Duncan Andrew Jacobson, Zetta Squire Jahnke, William F. Jardine, Nan R. Jeffery, Harold Jenson, Dyveke M. Jepson, Polly Oawlicki Jergensen, Emma L. Jessett, Louise Long Jewell, Mildred R. John, Ethel Johnson, C. Vinston Johnson, Carl Johnson, Dorothea Louise Reynolds
Box 23 Johnson, Edith Johnson, Frank J. Johnson, Jessie A. Johnson.Joseph N. Johnson, Mamie L. Johnson, Muriel E. Johnson, Myrtle Olsen Johnston, Arminta Johnston, Julia B. Johnston, Olive L. Johnstone, Ruby C. Jones, Esther K. Jones, Hazel H. Jones, Ruby McGee
Box 24 Jordan, Kathryn Jordan, Marjorie Jorgens, Olive V. Kaiser, Marie R. Kalk, Mary D. I Kanther, Jean W. I Kantner, Kathryn K. Kanz, Wilberta M. Kaplan, Ida M. Karlson, Irene H. Kam, Laura Kaufman, Louise Keegan, Sarah E. Keever, Emma Kiger, Myrth Kelley, Margaret E. Kellogg, Roy D. Kennedy, Muriel E. Kennedy, Peter Kent, Ruby M. Kirk, Douglas G.
Box 25 Ketring, Florence K. Kientzler, Lydia Kimball, Stanley Kimple, William Kind, Lily Rye King, Alta Marie King, John L. Kinnane, Genevieve B. Kinney, Thelma M. Kipperberg, Aurora H. Kitchen, V. Uneta Kleinlein, Esther Marie Klinker, Donna I Kloss, Louise P.
Box 26 Knoll, Mark M. Knoll, Mathea S. Knudson, Mabel H. Knutson, Rachel H.R. Koen, Josephine R. Korter, Irene L. Kollen, Gertrude Harris Kramer, Herman J. Kressler, Clifford E. Kretsinger, Helen M. Krueger, Thelma G.
Box 27 Kuentzel, Evadna Kwapil, Dorothy L. LaBranche, Ruth B. Laccoarce, Velma Lacross, Mary Jane G. Lacy Edith Evelyn F. Ladwig, Mary B. Lafrenz, Victor L. Lagger, Fred M. Lamb, Layton G. Landre, Genevieve M.R. Lang, Harold A.
Box 28 Langley, Robert W. Lansing, Lila S. Larrison, Mabel F. Larsen, Lillie E. Larson, Beatrice T. Lass, Edna S. LaVigne, Naomi Lawrence, Ruth L. LeBoeuf, Ruth R. Leckenby, Dorothy S. Lee, Austa I. Lee, Bernice P.
Box 29 Lee, Estelle C. Lee, Gladys B. Lee, Harold V. Lee, Miriam M. LeGendre, Jennie E. Lehto, Elizabeth U. Lerdrup, Vesta M. Lewis, Josephine Lind, Edith D.
Box 30 Lind, Jenny M. Lindquist, Ruby H. Lindquist, Josephine Lindsley, Eleanor Lindsley, Hildur B. Linn, Ruby L. Liston, Edward J. Linsley, Florence K. Liston, Ethel S. Little, Jean F. Livermore, Carolyn Livingston, Walter A. Lahren, Elizabeth M. Lopez, Gertrude V. Loreen, Jeanne L. Lough, Doris W. Laughead, Eleanor M. Loughey, Alto T. Lubking, Rose
Box 31 Loulan, Mary E. Lucas, Eva Madeline Lucas, Hardin Lucas, Mayme Luckerath, Frances E. Ludlow, Elsie B. Ludwig, Vera F. Lumley, Ellsworth D. Luppold, Mary E. Lusby, Viola Lyman, Kenneth 0. Lyon, Vera J. Lytle, Mary McCall, Irene H. McClelland, Gail H. Mccolloch, Dorothea A. McConnell, Henrietta W. McCormick, Thelma McCrea, William McDermott, Lucie
Box 32 McFaddin, Luella McFarlane, Betty H. Mcinnes, Lena S. McIntyre, Phyllis McKay, Francis McKechnie, Ruby A. McKee, Mary Elizabeth McMahan, Rainer R. McManis, George McMechen, Virginia McNamara, Madonna McNamara, Margaret M. McNicholas, Lucille McNichols, Mary McPherson, Marion M. McQuiston, Dorothy McRae Margaret R. McSorley, Frances
Box 33 Maccallum, Janet L. Macisaac, Alice M. MacKenzie, Helen D. MacKenzie, Hope Mackey, Warren B. Macleod, Beatrice R. Mader, Carmen Madden, Merle H. Maginnis, William J. Magner, Florence L. Mahoney, Genevieve A. Malstrom, Clara E. Manifold, Roy Mans, Mary Anna Maplethorpe, Marian M. Marks, Florence P. Marler, Nellie B. Marshall, Marian E. Martenson, Ellenora H.
Box 34 Mason, Marjorie M. Mason, Mary L. Massey, Dorothy W. Matheson, Jennie R. Mattox, Mary F. Matheson, Jennie Maxwell, Katherine E. Maynard, Vera L. Mayrand, Regina Mead, Pearl Means, Donald S. Medina, Aurelio I Melby, Ann Elizabeth G.
Box 35 Mendenhall, Kenneth C. Mendenhall, Margaret Merlina, Catherine P. Merrill, Bernice H. Mettler, Gordon E. Metz, Julia B. Meyer, Dorothy A. Meyer, Linda Y. Michel, Celia P. Middlemist, John Milavetz, Ethel Miles, Charlotte H. Miles, Jean
Box 36 Miller, Evelyn C. Miller, Florence B. Miller, Gertrude J. Miller, Margaret K.A. Miller, Marion M. Miller, Julia E. Milliman, Loren H. Mills, Elizabeth M. Mills, Florence Mills, Mabel S. Minard, Emma Miner, Grace B. Mitchell, George C. Mitchell, Mathew C. Mitchell, Ruth S. Moen, Jean B.
Box 37 Montfort, Mary L. Moore, Alice B. Moore, Bernice S. Moritz, Marguerite Mortord, Helen Morgan, Lucile Morrill, Fayetta J. Morris, Muriel E. Morrison, Florence M. Morse, Alice N. Morton, Melba A. Morton, Georgia P. Munns, Lois F. Moseley, John Moses, Genrose M. Mount, Dorothy V. Mowat, Helen Mouse, Evelyn Mueller, Helen
Box 38 Mullen, Doris G. Murdock, Russel V. Murphy, George E. Murrell, Violet Muzzy, Edna A. Myers, Mary P. Myers, Theodore Nardin, Alphonse Neff, Dorothy Nelle, Pauline Nelson, F.A. Nelson, Everett Nelson, Francis Nelson, Marion Newstrum, Helen Neylon, Mary T.
Box 39 Nicholson, Romaine Nicole, Jean B. Nielsen, Stella Samuelson Niemeyer, Ellen M. Noble, Mildred Alice Noffsinger, Ida Nollan, Mary Kasch Nolte, Harriette Nordeng, Erling 0. Norene, Laura Norland, Anna Carsson Noyles, Florence Zoe Noyes, Lillian Nyland, Cora J. Skagen Chittenden Norman, Edith Bach O'Connell, Leonore E. Garrod O'Connell, Marjorie E. Merrell
Box 40 O'Leary, Eileen Ogle, Mildred Callaghan Ohman, Ruth Merriam Gustafson O'Keefe, Edward J. Older, William H. Olmsted, Virginia B. Olsby, Borghilde 0. Olsen, Agnes Olsen, Gladys Olsen, Helen F. Olsen, Mildred A. Olsen, Salome R. Olsen, Thelma M. I Olts, Donald G. O'Neill, lloe Slade Oosterhouse, Mildred Kent Orrell, Jessie
Box 41 Osborn, Eleanor Osgood, Ernest Ostle, Ruth Ott, Eva May Otto, L. Marguerite Overholser, Georgia M. Walter Oversolser, Otho, V. Overstreet, Ira M. I . Palmer, Alice Gordon Palmer, Emeline Palmer, Nelle Parks, Ruth M. Marmeter, Kenneth Patterson, Elvira Patterson, Florence Patterson, Frances S. Patton, Mildred L. Paul, Thelma
Box 42 Paulsen, Clement L. Paulsen, Mildred Paulsen, Mildred Eva Peach, Helen A. Peacock, Marie White Pease, Carroll C. Pease, Lillian B. Meys Peck, Miriam P. Walters Pederson, Thora Peek, Clifford L. Pepoon, Margaret Perpham, Ruth B. Perry, Elene Ackley
Box 43 Peter, Maria Peters, Elizabeth Peters, Henry W. C Peters, J. Franklin Peters, Margaret G. Taylor Peters, Ruth M. Mathaws Peterson, Maybelle Peterson, Pearl Petite, J. Edward Pettit, Ardsley, Babbitt Pfeiffer, Marion Phillips, Arleen R. Phipps, John I Pickett, Dorothy F. Pidduck, Marjorie
Box 44 Pierson, Frances Cole Pirtle, Ann L. Brown Place, Dorothy Plummer, Mary H. Pollard, Helen Lucretia Pollock, Agnes S . Pooley, Ethel Hunt Poor, Elizabeth Poppe, Anna R. Port, Horace Porter, Florence Pounds, Viola
Box 45 Powell, James H. Powell, Joanna Rosen Prahinski, Alfred Prendergast, Agnes L. Price, Marvis A. Ryan Price, Mary A. Prichard, James A. r Priebe, Marguerite S. Putnam, Margaret Quigley, Dorothy M. Quigley, Helen L. Raff, Frank A. Ragan, Mabel Randall, Thelma B. Redenbaugh, Dorothy D. Reed, Emily
Box 46 Reed, Ralph Reep, Ellen L. Reilly, Mary C. Reiss, Dorothy Crim Rennord, Ruth K. Reynolds, Edith L. Rhoades, Inez B . Rhoades, Violet Rhodes, Mary E. Rice, Barrie Richards, Amorette Ridley, Elsie W. Riley, Maude L. Ring, Geo Ring, Judith
Box 47 Risser, Dorothy H. Roberts, Helen Roberts, Mildred Roeder, Marcia P. Rogers, Edwina Gillis Rogers, Elizabeth G. Rogers, Genevieve M. Roll, Dorothy B. Rosenquist, Melvina B. Ross, Lola M. Ross, Ruth E. Rousseau, Imogene E. Rowe, Raymund
Box 48 Roys, Marguerite C. Roys, Sydney Rubash, Hazel Rue, Edna B. Rue, John L. Rue, Katherine R. Ruidl, Phillip F. Rule, Paul H. Rulla, Helen A. Rundlett, June B. Rupert, Elsa M. Ruple, Jessie H. Rusch, Emma
Box 49 Rushing, Earline Rushing, John R. Russell, Ruth Russo, Elizabeth D. Ryan, Alice A. Ryan, Helen T. Ryan, William C. Ryberg, Violet Saalwaechter, Esther N. Salter, Esther A. Samizelius, Alpha L. Samuelson, Mayme B. Sanders, Josephine A. Sartoris, Madelon Sawhill, Mary L.
Box 50 Scansen, Clara A. Scatterday, Doris P. Schaal, Ryland B. Schartau, Irene F. Schmalbeck, Lee 0. Schmidt, Helena W. Schneider, John W. Scholl, Tunia R. Schoonover, K.B. Schreihart, Esther M. Schreur, Hattie Schricker, Hilda Schuster, Philip F. Scott, Barbara H. Scott, Frank Scott, Lydia Scott, Robert W. Scott, Ruby N. Scroggs, Harriet E.
Box 51 Sealoff, Georgia L. Sears, Sarah M. Sebesta, Anna D. Seeley, Jane V. Seguin, Vivian B . Seidensticker, Lucy Selis, John A. Sells, John A. Sennes, Gertrude J. Sexton, Maude Seymor, Gien Seymour, Marjorie I. Sharnbroich, Mildred L. Sharpe, Virginia Shaw, Anna B.
Box 52 Shaw, Getchen Shea, Isabel D. Shook, Agatha Shearon, Effie S. Sheckls, Helen M. Shield, Helen A. Sherman, Grace G. Schuh, Leroy C. Siggelko, Marguerite A. Siggerud, Clara Silva.Caroline C. I Singleton, Homer D. Sipe, Amy M.
Box 53 Skocilic, Cora L. Slocomb, Herlin Slussar, Lola Smith, Dorothy C. Smith, Dorothy C. Smith, Dorothy S. Smith, Flossie Z. Smith, Gertrude Smith, Janice M. Smith, John T. Smith, Margit Tanner Smith, Marion C. Smith, Mary H. Smith, May B. Smith, Myrtle Smith, Ruth R.
Box 54 Smith, Thos Smith, Thomas S. Smyth, (Liffian) Anne W. Snodgrass, Olga E. Sorenson, N.H. Sparks, H.G. Speer, John M. Sorbo, Sherwood B. Spining, Louis Spitzer, Fred E. Spoon, Helen C. Springer, Eleanor A. Squires, Ida B. St. Louis, Lyle
Box 55 Stapleton, Juanita G. Stedman, Marie J. Steele-Shaw, Joseph L. Steinbeck, Laura Stentzei, Lena Stenger, Ruth B. Stephens, Mildred B. Stevens, David G. Stevens, Lucile Stewart, Lyle Stewart, Zella R. Stilwell, Helen . Stinson, Hazel M. Stone, Purl Strughan, Vida M.
Box 56 Strevey, Macy Strauss, Ivard Straw, Zoa Strong, Gladys Strong, Mary F. Stryk, Tecke Stuart, Elizabeth Stucky, Phillip Sundling, Doris M. Swanson, Florence Swanson, Nonna E. Swanson, Ruby Swazia, Florence K. Swedine, Elmer Sweetman, Helen E. Taney.Lucy
Box 57 Tarbet, Maude De. Hender Taylor, Ida M. Taylor, Loma Lieberg Taylor, Selma Taylor, Vera M. Johnson Teal, Gwen I. Hartman Temple, Genevieve H. Spencer Templeton, Jetral Tennant, Lydia Ruth Jones Tennican, Hazel O'Malley Tennyson, Doris Terry, Marian Tessier, Alma Decelles Thedford, Ruth W. Thomas, Ira C.
Box 58 Thomas, Marian Foote Thomas, Mary Thomason, Marie C. Thompson, Arlene E. Noyes Thompson, Florence Wendler Thompson, Lucille Thompson, Pauline L. Thompson, Thelma Thompson, Vernon Thomley, Vera M. Thorpe, Marion Thrash, Bertha Stannek Tidd, Beatrice Toikka, Irene Tollefson, Olga K.
Box 59 Tolmie, Jessie A. Tomlinson, Jeanette Tompkins, Unabelle G. Tooley, Marian R. Top, Hilda May C Tormey, Gertrude J. Torticil, Helen Townsend, Hazell Tramm, Lois M. I . Trenholme, Iva Shepardson Trick, Helen M. Trolson, Roy F. Tucker, Reba Mabel Milles Tudor, Eugenie Ellis Tuell, Anna Turbrett, Gladys P. Gordon Turnberg, Clara Magdalene
Box 60 Turner, Claude F. Turner, Lois C. Potter Turner, Loren 0. Uhden, Esther Upson, Eloise Urmey, Verna L. Van Cruymingen, Paul Van Derpool, Mina L. Van Devanter, Aaron T. Van Eaton, Mary Padavich Viken, Victoria Vernon, Gala S. Vincent, Ida , Virtue, Mary
Box 61 Volkman, Paul Von Sabo, Marie Voorheis, Helen Vybomy, Sarah R. Wagner, Howard Paul Wagner, William Jr. Wagoner, Edna Walen, Julia Walker, George E. Walker, Norman Eugene Walstedt, Esther C. Walthew, Margaret Wampler, Kiah Wang, Ruth Wanner, Helen Ward, Ozell Warfield, Dorothy Percival
Box 62 Waters, Ellen H. Watkins, Ina R. Watson, Etha Ellen Watson, Ruth Elizabeth Watters, Florence Westland, Leitha E. Fulk Watt, E. Marjorie Webb, Norman R. Webber, Laverne L. Lindfors Webster, Elizabeth Wehn, Lillian K. Weiermuller, Louise Harriet C Wells, Elsa E. Dreblow West, Martha Rude Weston, Florence
Box 63 Wettleson, Robert W. Whaley, Golda M. Whittaker, Martha Wheeler, Frances M. Wheeler, Velva R. Whitcomb, Alice White, Larry A. White, Marian M. Whitsell, Opal Heriford Whitmore, Julie Wilkinson, Marjorie Wilgus, Sarah Ross Wilkerson, Berneice J. Davis
Box 64 Willard, Dorothy Williams, Anne Williams, Neil A. Williams, Zelma C. Willingham, Irma Willis, Elizabeth B. Williston, Barbara A. Wilson, Alma Wilson, Henry 0. Wilson, Irma Wilson, Isa J. Brown Wilson, Katharine G. Wilson, Kathryn P. Wilson, Ruth E. Winkel, Hida M. D. Winter, Marion R. Winters, Bessie F. Wise, Edna
Box 65 Witherow, Alice M. Wixson, Mabel Wohlrabe, Raymond A. Wolcott, Eldon C. Wolcott Laura Louise Wolfe, Katherine Woods, Pauline Anna Worley, Caroline Wright, Abbie A. Wright, Grace Leake Wright, Harriet M. Wynstra, Vera B. Young, Martha C. Young, Pearl M.
- Creation: 1920-1965
65 Cubic Feet
Language of Materials
From the Series: English
- Container: 343, Box: 1 - 7 (Mixed Materials)
- Container: 344, Box: 8 - 14 (Mixed Materials)
- Container: 345, Box: 15 - 21 (Mixed Materials)
- Container: 346, Box: 22 - 28 (Mixed Materials)
- Container: 347, Box: 29 - 36 (Mixed Materials)
- Container: 348, Box: 37 - 43 (Mixed Materials)
- Container: 349, Box: 44 - 50 (Mixed Materials)
- Container: 350, Box: 51 - 57 (Mixed Materials)
- Container: 358, Box: 58 - 64 (Mixed Materials)
- Container: 359, Box: 65 (Mixed Materials)
Repository Details
Part of the Seattle Public Schools Archives Repository